30 gallon tank

When the convicts begin to breed (which will be ALL the time) they will continually terrorize other fish in the tank that come near. Since the tank will be relatively small, your best bet would be giant danios. I wouldn't suggest anything else. Not many similar sized cichlids compare to the aggressiveness of breeding cons.
Yea, like everyones already said, I wouldn't think it possible to keep anything with a breeding pair of cons in a 30g.

However, I do recommend dither fish. You have to have something else in there or the male might harrass or kill the female.
Could you use a few tiger barbs as dithers as they are quick enough to get away? :D

I have heard of Zebra Danios being used as dithers for convicts :thumbs:
What about a silver dollar or two?...they are relatively 'tall' and speedy fish.

I think you would be best just leaving the convicts on their own if they are a breeding pair. They can be relentless.
briangk_77 said:
What about a silver dollar or two?...they are relatively 'tall' and speedy fish.

I think you would be best just leaving the convicts on their own if they are a breeding pair. They can be relentless.
IME, you can't just leave a breeding pair of cons alone. You have to have dithers or the male will kill the female sooner or later. I agree with you and impur on you suggestions, but it's just not possible to have a breeding pair of cons and leave it at that.
Silver dollars would not work in a 30 gallon tank....way to small!!

They also do better in small groups and to try to have even 3 in a 30 would be way to much!!


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