30 Gallon Tank Set Up


New Member
Feb 25, 2014
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Not a complete novice on fish keeping, have had fish in the household all my life. but the tank set ups I'm used to are much smaller. Currently in the house we have 4 tanks. 2 are 10gallon, 1 15 gallon, and 1 around 5 gallon which is used only for breeding guppies.

Few weeks ago I bought a 30 gallon tank and has been running fine and test levels are fine. Next month I'm going to be adding fish and wondering what people's suggestions on stocking are.

The tank isn't planted, I prefer the look of artificial plants. I have gone with sand substrate (another first for me). I have a few large rock ornaments aswell. Incase you needed to know this

The only definite inclusion in the tank is an angel fish. I've wanted one since I was a kid and my tanks have been too small.

I'm thinking of adding a pair of kribs, or a pair of Bolivian rams (or both?)

Cory's are more than likely going to be included in the tank aswell.

But I'm very open to ideas. I want a completely different set up from what I have and since I've put a large chunk of money into it already I'm wanting something I can be proud of.

Fish that I have currently in other tanks include:
Guppies, red tail shark, paradise fish (considering rehoming), sucking loaches, volcano rasboras, panda and peppered Cory's, plec, neons, black neons, and a variation of different kinds of tetras.

So sorry about length of post. Or if posted in wrong place.
to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here.
How have you been cycling the tank? Have you read THIS?
What are the dimensions of the tank? Is your water soft or hard?
Bit of an issue I think you might want to know with your other tanks.
The red tail shark needs a minimum of a 55g, and the sucking loaches..are they chinese algae eaters?
If so they get more aggressive as they age, also eat less algae and start going after fishes slime coat. These should be kept in a ~75g+ tank.
Tank has been cycling for just over two weeks now. I will read the topic tomorrow (almost 3am just now lol)

Can't remember exact dimensions, will look out tomorrow. It's deep rather than long though.

I have soft water in my area.

I'll take comments on my current fish on board :)
Gordon13 said:
Tank has been cycling for just over two weeks now. I will read the topic tomorrow (almost 3am just now lol)

Can't remember exact dimensions, will look out tomorrow. It's deep rather than long though.

I have soft water in my area.

I'll take comments on my current fish on board
Have you been adding ammonia? Do you have a liquid test kit?
When you do get the dimensions can you get length, width, and height? :) Am asking mainly because angels should have a certain height tank since they grow pretty tall.
I haven't been adding ammonia, should I be? I have been testing the water with the liquid test kit and tank is running fine at present.

Had a look online for my tanks dimensions and I believe it is 37 x 93 x 43cm. Would be able to confirm that tomorrow tho.
Gordon13 said:
I haven't been adding ammonia, should I be? I have been testing the water with the liquid test kit and tank is running fine at present.

Had a look online for my tanks dimensions and I believe it is 37 x 93 x 43cm. Would be able to confirm that tomorrow tho.
Without adding ammonia the tank is doing nothing but sit there. This should make more sense after you read that article I linked to you :) HERE is a list of places to get ammonia from.
Will wait for confirmation on the dimensions before commenting on the angelfish.
Keep in mind that bottom dwellers such as rams or kribs when breeding can get very territorial and the cories may get into trouble.
Will confirm dimensions tomorrow.

Cory's aren't must haves, just a type of fish I am fond if in my tanks
Angels are to big for the 30 gallon as well im afraid, they need a minimum of 55 gallons, as well as the RTS that ninj stated. also plecos even the smallest breeds get to big for 10 gallons, if you have a bristle nose then it can go in your 30 gallon, but if its a common or any other large species then i would suggest rehoming them. I also would hope one of your ten gallons is souley for a small school of panda and peppered corys, you also have alot of tetras which are schooling fish as well, and prefer numbers of 6 or more, but with tanks of that size isnt plausible. And with sucking loach is it a chinese algae eater or a butterfly loach? Sorry to be such a big barer of bad news :/ But on to your new 30 gallon! Krebs or rams would work nicely but i have no experience with them so i dont know about mixing them. Also sand is my personal favorite for substrate and believe like every fishes dream haha. You could move your current corys into the 30 once it is cycled and then up their school numbers to a respective 5 or 6. And maybe with some of your tetras, and thats about all i have to add so ummm yea sorry about all the bad news, just suggestions though, for the fish to live good lives.
Nevermind from what ive been reading angels can go in a 30 gallon i just wouldnt recommend it.
If you're looking at something other than rams or kribs, have a look at apistos or peacock gudgeons. :)
my stocking in my 29 gallon tank:   5 Julii cory, 2 otos (for agae control), 7 neons (had 8 , lost one), 8 rummynose tetra (very good schooling fish),  and two Bolivian rams--all the tank mates get along fine--I used pool filter sand as a substrate and planted with anubias and moneywort and a few larger silk plants.   You might consider cardinal tetras instead of the neon as they get a bit bigger than neons.

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