30 Gallon Stocking Questions


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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I've had my 30 gallon tank set up for 3 1/2 years. For a long time I had three curviceps. One of the three died after 2 years and the other two have recently passed on. I also originally had 4 otos, 7 rummy nose, a bristlenose and a clown plec. I'm now down to 1 oto, 3 rummy nose, and the two plecs. My tank conditions seem to be good as I have 0 ammonia and nitrites and 5 nitrates. pH is 6.8. I have a moderately planted tank. I'm not sure what killed my fish but considering I had all of them for at least 2 years they may have just gotten older and were in a weakened condition. In any event, over the next couple of weeks I will continue to do regular water changes and will monitor my water chemistry closely. I want to restock my tank but am going away on vacation for almost a week the last weekend in August. I don't want to add any new fish until I return. That gives my lots of time to consider what fish I want to restock with.

I definitely want to restock my otos and rummy noses. Is 4 otos and 7 rummy noses a good number? More, less?

Then I want to get some new cichlids as my "main fish". I was originally thinking about angel fish and possibly rams. I'd love to get convicts but I think they might be too agressive to live with the tetras and might just try to eat them.

I am not interested in breeding fish although I am not opposed to having a mated pair to observe the spawning behavior. But since having a pair is not mandatory, I was wondering if it made sense to have 2 different small cichlids in the tank. What if I had an angel and a ram in the tank? Would they be aggressive towards each other? Are there other small cichlids of different species that can get along together?

My first thought was to get two angel fish but from what I've been reading it's difficult to sex them and if the pair are not male/female they could be aggressive towards each other.

Then I thought about Bolivian rams. They seem to be hearty from what I've read and can be quite interesting to watch.

Does anyone else have any suggestions? I would love to have some apistos but I've tried them before and either my LFS had very delicate stock or I'm just not as skilled a fishkeeper as is necessary. I had several cockatoo cichlids that never lasted more than a month or two and had a pair of agazzizi that lived for about a year.
to be honest...
convicts only really bother with other cichlids...

if you put two males in or two females u should be ok

try and not get a pair........i once bought a pair....left them in the bag for a while whilst i cleaned the tank a little...

and they had spawned 4 eggs on the bottom........

literrally they will breeeeed and brrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeddddd
to be honest...
convicts only really bother with other cichlids...

if you put two males in or two females u should be ok

try and not get a pair........i once bought a pair....left them in the bag for a while whilst i cleaned the tank a little...

and they had spawned 4 eggs on the bottom........

literrally they will breeeeed and brrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeddddd

convicts, ottos and Rummynose ???? only one outcome IMO
an angel is also likely to eventually cause you problems in the long run,

I would go for something like 2 Bolivian Rams and a Keyhole
No the two breeds would not interbreed (to my knowledge anyway).

Definately go with the blue or bolivian rams for the tank. Blues are more colourful but more sensitive. The bolivians have great personalities and are more hardy :)

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