30 Gallon Stocking Question


Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2004
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Is this a good stock for a 30 US gallon tank?

5 Zebra Danios
6 Tiger Barbs
1 Red-Tailed Shark
3 Cory Cats

Will the shark be ok with the Cories or should i get Otos or a Pleco? Right now i only have the Danios. Thanks.
That looks fine to me. You could make the shoal of tiger barbs a bit larger (so they pick on other fish less). It will end up at a bit over the 1 inch per gallon rule but thats fine as long as you introduce them gradually. :) . I'm not sure about the corys. I think they should be OK seeing as they are a bottom dwelling fish and the shark should swim a little higher but I'm sure someone else knows about that.
The more barbs you put in, the less the barbs will harm other fish.

more cories would be better, because then you'd be able to see more animation in the cats.

Otherwise it should be fine, though i know next to nothing on sharks...
The 1" rule never applies. :p However, certain cories get over 2", while others get to 1". it depends on what you want and what you can get.
Is this a planted tank??? cause if it is then your going to be turning on the lights a lot longer and your going to run into some algae problems if you have nothing to take care of them...I would get some ottos and plecos that stay small(get an albino bristlenose plec)....They look amazing....... :D I would also add another school of tetras...rummy's, neons, cardinals...etc... It would look amazing in your tank... :D
G_Sharky said:
Is this a planted tank??? cause if it is then your going to be turning on the lights a lot longer and your going to run into some algae problems if you have nothing to take care of them...I would get some ottos and plecos that stay small(get an albino bristlenose plec)....They look amazing....... :D I would also add another school of tetras...rummy's, neons, cardinals...etc... It would look amazing in your tank... :D
I only have artificial plants. Wouldn't a school of Tetras leave me overstocked though?
Fishstix said:
I only have artificial plants. Wouldn't a school of Tetras leave me overstocked though?
Probably. You're best served just adding 1 or (maybe) 2 more each of the danios, barbs, and corys. And make sure you stay up on your waterchanges. Sounds like a good tank though.
:flex: I have a 35 with almost the same set-up. It is a great combination. The tank always has movement. The shark will patrol the tank keeping fish ouit of his turf. The tigers all run from him even though he isnt fully grown yet. The danios are top level swimmers so they dont run into the others that often and when they do they just annoy them. It is a truly enjoying tank to watch. Good luck!

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