30 Gallon Aquarium With A 75 Gallon Filter


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2013
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What could I stock my tank with?
I have a 30 gallon already cycled and live planted sand bottom and a 75 gallon filter.
I will also be purchasing a 100 gallon aquarium (200 gallon filter) to move all of these fish to in a couple of years.
Here is a couple ideas that I have

Idea 1: 2 fancy goldfish
Idea 2: 10 corydoras catfish, 1 blue phantom pleco, 1 giant gourami (4")
Idea 3: 1 blue phantom pleco, 6 corydoras catfish, and 4 dwarf gourami
Idea 4: 1 cichlid, 1 blue phantom pleco
Idea 5: 1 angelfish and 6 corydoras
Idea 6: 1 Cobalt blue lobster, 1 chichlid
Idea 7: 2 upside down catfish, 6 corydoras, 2 brochis
Idea 8: 1 baby datnoid (2")
Idea 9: 5 glass catfish, 8 corydoras 

Tell me what you think about these ideas and which ones should just be forgotten.
I think idea number 7 should be left out. The catfish need schools of 6+
TallTree01 said:
I think idea number 7 should be left out. The catfish need schools of 6+
Okay I'll take that off the list then. : ) thanks!
Make sure you know that there is such a thing as too much flow. You'll get problems with the tank later on. I see no point using a larger filter for a smaller tank. Of course if you were due to upgrade the tank then that make sense but don't think having a big filter allows you to over, does not work like that :p

Same with idea 6. Can't have fish with something with large claws. Seen fish chopped in half from them.

I would do 6-8 corys. A few small gouramis and a small shoal of fish.
Lol a giant gourami in a 30g. Ok, I know you said you're moving them to a 100g but thinking of how giant gouramis are they have no business being in a 30 for any amount of time.

Idea 9 sounds good, maybe 8 corydoras and 7-8 glass cats would be fine.
By giant gourami he meant the cute 4 inch striped/ Indian gourami :)
Oooh okay, I've seen a giant gourami on youtube :|
Noahsfish said:
Lol a giant gourami in a 30g. Ok, I know you said you're moving them to a 100g but thinking of how giant gouramis are they have no business being in a 30 for any amount of time.

Idea 9 sounds good, maybe 8 corydoras and 7-8 glass cats would be fine.
The size of the "giant" gourami that I'm thinking of is 4" full grown. 

TallTree01 said:
By giant gourami he meant the cute 4 inch striped/ Indian gourami
Yes, exactly.
I really don't think any of these will work well? Your first idea is just not going to work. Granted, you have enough filtration for goldfish, but still not enough space. You mention the blue phantom pleco several times. I'm not sure how large these get in comparison to the common pleco, so I'm hesitant to say it will do well in your tank.

You could probably do a school or corydoras and a trio of dwarf gourami, but not a quartet. It seems that having two males in a tank would be disastrous. Or, and this is probably what you meant, you could have one male and two, maybe three, females. I would not add the pleco because the corydoras will need most of your ground space.

What do you mean by "1 cichlid"? There are hundreds of cichlid types, and many of them are simply not suited for this tank, even with your increased filtration.

Angelfish need fairly tall tanks. Measure yours to be sure that it is large enough.

One or two glass catfish would be alright in this tank, but this is a school species and their size really limits them. Some of them can get about 4-6 inches and they need space for roaming.

You could have a pair of Bolivian rams and a decent school of tetras. You could keep peacock gudgeons, some killifish, a betta sorority... You have tons of options.
attibones said:
I really don't think any of these will work well? Your first idea is just not going to work. Granted, you have enough filtration for goldfish, but still not enough space. You mention the blue phantom pleco several times. I'm not sure how large these get in comparison to the common pleco, so I'm hesitant to say it will do well in your tank.

You could probably do a school or corydoras and a trio of dwarf gourami, but not a quartet. It seems that having two males in a tank would be disastrous. Or, and this is probably what you meant, you could have one male and two, maybe three, females. I would not add the pleco because the corydoras will need most of your ground space.

What do you mean by "1 cichlid"? There are hundreds of cichlid types, and many of them are simply not suited for this tank, even with your increased filtration.

Angelfish need fairly tall tanks. Measure yours to be sure that it is large enough.

One or two glass catfish would be alright in this tank, but this is a school species and their size really limits them. Some of them can get about 4-6 inches and they need space for roaming.

You could have a pair of Bolivian rams and a decent school of tetras. You could keep peacock gudgeons, some killifish, a betta sorority... You have tons of options.
I decided to get a breeding pair of electric blue Jack Dempsy fry (1") for the 30 gallon tank, and I will upgrade to a 50, then 75 gallon tank as needed (within 1-3 years). I've gone to my LFS (they've been in business for 25 years) once per week for the last year and all their fish are healthy with no signs of disease. They say I could get a breeding pair and upgrade to a 55 gallon in 2 years. What do you think?
Thirty gallons for any amount of time is small for these guys. Minimum tank is forty gallons for a single, so you'll have to get that 75 as quickly as possible. You'll need plenty of hiding spaces as well. If you're getting fry, you'll need to get the larger tank soon as they grow super quickly.

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