30 gal ?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 8, 2004
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North Illinois
I don't know what to do :dunno: about my empty 30 gal. I mean like not sure what type of tank i want it too be and what fish should be in it ?. i am gonna search for info and so what looks good to me but if anyone has an idea an has some info on it that would help but if not thats ok i just gotta make a decision some time
Call me silly but I don't know you so I couldn't really tell you what you'd like unless you tell us what kind of fish you like. And I'm not going to bother telling you what kind of fish I would get, because you're not me, and I have my own stocking problems with my thirty gallon :blink: So here's some questions for you, when you walk into a fish store what's the first thing that grabs your attention? Which tank do you hang out looking at the longest? Do you want a lot of fish or just a few? Something odd looking or reg. or just plain? Bright colors or no colors? Aggresive or peaceful? If it eats anything bigger than flakes or worms or shrimp, can you handle feeding it that? If it requires live food, can you afford it and/or handle feeding it something still alive? If you want plants, which fish won't rip them out or tear them up? What's your lighting situation? I just want to make sure you get something you really, really like :D (I know, I know, your like, oh god, and I know I'm a pain, but trust me, there's nothing worse than going through all sorts of trouble and money only to find out you really don't like the fish you got....)
I would start with freshwater fish for beginners, it's way easier to maintain. It's the first type of tank i started out with and i had little, to no problems. After 2 years of doing that i moved onto cichlids :) .
As for a list of fish, it's good to choose your main fish first(the fish that will be largest, most colourful, draws most attention to in your tank, etc). When you decide that fish then we can go onto filling the rest of the space with smaller more peaceful fish and bottom dwellers.
Here's list of some that would fit nicely(maybe not with each other though):
DwarfGouramis -you can click on the lower links for the different colours and species.
Guppies - guppies are probably one of most beautiful types i think. They have such large variety in them, hardly two are alike. Just becareful when buying both sexes, they breed alot. Same with the Platy.
Platy - this fish also comes in a variety of colours like yellow, black, and red
Barbs - there's a variety of this species too like: rosey, tiger, albino, green tiger, cherry, and tinfoil barbs.

Thats just to name a few. Read some of pages to know which breed easy, which are aggressive, which like to be in large schools,etc. :)
Ok i do want a Tropical Freshwater tank. I just was not sure if i want to try cichlids or charicins. I like Colorful fish like neosn and runny nose tetras those type and yes oeaceful fish. I want to add planst to this tank so i may be able to breed somthin once in a while so i don't have to go back to the LFS to by more of the same species fish if i wanted to get more of that fish. I want to be able to put alot of fish in there as much as i can :p i want this tank to be the bes an looking great. I want the planst to look nice and make it look like the tanks i see in the magazines an the ones i se here at this site amd all 8)
Well some small cichlids that could fit(and breed) would be blue or german rams or convict cichlids. I've only had my 3 female and one male blue rams for a little over a week and 2 of the female already laid eggs(about 90 of them too :crazy: ). But if the ph is too high, the eggs won't hatch and will grow fungus(a ph around 6.5 will hacth them). So ofcourse non of them hatched, but I'm in the making of it. ;)

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