I would start with freshwater fish for beginners, it's way easier to maintain. It's the first type of tank i started out with and i had little, to no problems. After 2 years of doing that i moved onto cichlids
As for a list of fish, it's good to choose your main fish first(the fish that will be largest, most colourful, draws most attention to in your tank, etc). When you decide that fish then we can go onto filling the rest of the space with smaller more peaceful fish and bottom dwellers.
Here's list of some that would fit nicely(maybe not with each other though):
DwarfGouramis -you can click on the lower links for the different colours and species.
Guppies - guppies are probably one of most beautiful types i think. They have such large variety in them, hardly two are alike. Just becareful when buying both sexes, they breed alot. Same with the Platy.
Platy - this fish also comes in a variety of colours like yellow, black, and red
Barbs - there's a variety of this species too like: rosey, tiger, albino, green tiger, cherry, and tinfoil barbs.
Thats just to name a few. Read some of pages to know which breed easy, which are aggressive, which like to be in large schools,etc.