30 gal tank for newbie


New Member
Jun 28, 2004
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I recently purchased a 30 gal tank and got it set up and am in the process of cycling it (using 8 WC's - is that a good number? ) but I originally wanted an Oscar and maybe another mid sized fish (maybe a jack dempsy) but I'm reading here that a 30 gal may not be big enough when they're fully grown (a 15 inch and a 8 inch fish). According to the superhero at Petco who sold me the tank and setup, when I told him my plans, he said that'd be a nice setup (the superhero story is a whole nother topic) but now I'm concerned.

Basically, will it be a good fit having those two fish in a 30 gal and if not, what would be a good set up for my new tank. I'd like a bigger fish then a couple smaller fish, so any suggestions would be helpful.

thanks in advance.
First of all :hi: to the forum. :D

Unfortunately a 30 gallon is nowhere near big enough to have an oscar nor a jack dempsey.

If your keen on the cichlid idea, you could try some cichlids that are on the little bit smaller side but that are still big and robust.

Theres the convict cichlid which can go nicely in a 30 gallon. or Texas cichlids can also go nicely in a 30 gallon. Blood Parrots could possibly go. Angel Fish if the tank is at least 18" high. etc.

Just do a search on google for cichlids and then research the tank sizes that they need to maintain good health.

Or if you want a little bit mellower tank, you can try guoramis. Some get larger than others.

Just do your research and be careful. I'm the same way, i prefer larger fish to regular sized ones, but I made the mistake of putting 2 bala sharks in my 30 gallon and quickly had to upgrade to a 55 gallon and soon will need to upgrade again!

Good luck and congrats on your new tank!
thanks. I see in your 30 gal tank you have five fish. Are they full sized and do you have pics or the 'common' name for those fish so I can look at my LFS and see if they carry those.

Although I'm a bit torqued that the sales rep said a 30 gal would be no problem for an oscar and another fish or two.
Those are African cichlids and a lot of them don't often have common names. You'll often just see "mixed Africans". The Labidochromis are often seen marked as "labs".

If I could do a 30g with "bigger" fish, I'd look into rainbowfish. I have 2 in my tank now and really like them. They get to about 4-6" depending on the kind of rainbowfish. I'd probably get 5 rainbowfish and maybe 6 cory cats. That would be pushing the max bioload though, so I might change my plans as I stocked it if it didn't seem to be working.

Here's a link with some good info on a few types of rainbowfish.

Here's another link from another site...

The Boesemani (according to that first link I posted) only gets to 3" so if you go with those, you could probably get a few more. Mine sure acts bigger than that though :rolleyes: :p
Thanks for the reply!

So I went back to the LFS and told him of the info here and he says that he's had it and never had problems, but if I didn't feel comfortable with that setup and wanted to have a large fish and a community, there was this bottom feeder that got up to like 18 inches and would just 'stay put' on the bottom while the community thrived above it.

I didn't catch the name of the fish, as I've pretty much disregarded everything he's said since coming here (expecially since some of the things he said about maintence were off - leave it to superman), but thinking about it, if it is true, tthat i could get a big bottom feeder to sit on the bottom cleaning up the gravel while I have a nice commnity above it would be pretty cool.

With the limited description I gave, anyone know what he was talking about? I really would like a bigger fish in my tank, and if it's not moving anyway, this may be the way to go.

If not, are there any 'calm' cichlids that I could put in with 8 or so other fish?
A plecostomus? Or would you recognize that one? Even still, you'd have to account some "space" in the tank for a fish that big b/c it's going to be contributing waste which will need to be converted to nitrates. So - bigger fish generally equals bigger waste equals higher nitrates... Physical space is only one reason to not overstock a tank, bioload is another.

The only peaceful cichlid I have experience with is Rams and they're not big so I don't think they're what you're looking for.

Try going to www.liveaquaria.com and looking at the different kinds of cichlids to maybe narrow down what you're looking for. Then, look in the section where it lists good tankmates.

There are lots of good fish profile sites - another one is www.fishinthe.net and www.mongabay.com

HTH :)

PS - I think that's my stapler, you've got up there ;) :lol:
ok, here's what I'm thinking for my tank.

one pleco
Three cory cats
Three rainbow fish
one angel fish

is this a good combo? there will still be a few white clouds in the tank from the set up of the tank. will they be ok? should I remove them and possibly add something else? Do I have enough of the cory cats and rainbow fish to make them feel comfortable? Anything else that I can/should add to make it a better tank? Maybe a betta?
office space is such a great movie.. :lol:

umm.. e-excuse me i-b-i-belive you have my stapler.
I thought Africans got too big for a community tank and I think I may just pick up a bigger tank down the road (70 gal) and have a few oscars in there. But Africans may be a nice choice if the lPS has some that stay smaller.

"you see bob, it's not that I"m lazy, it's that I just don't care"
Ok I got the first phase of my tank going. I got a common placo, three Australian Rainbow fish, and three Glowlight Tetras. I have three of the five White Clouds still swimming and then the mysterious snail. I think once I'm sure that the tank is balanced, I'll look into adding two more Tetras and three cory cats - unless something else strikes me.

I have two small plants and one 'three pillar' item. I'll probably get a few more decors in there as well for more hiding spaces.

I also have two "Rosy Red" fish that I put in there right away (after 48 hours of setting up the tank - before the White Clouds) which were .28 each at Wal Mart. I can't find anything on these and now that these typical feeder fish are a bit bigger, they're pretty agressive. Anyone know anything about these and should I pull them out and put them in a 5 gal I'll be setting up for a betta (decided to keep it out of the community tank)

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