30 gal. is it overstocked?


Apr 20, 2003
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St.Louis, MO
Currently have 1 black molly, 1 red wag platy, 1 blue paradise gourami, 1 agelfish, and one black skirt tetra. I'm could give the black skirt tetra and the black molly away. I'm going to add a male swordtail later. I could transfer the molly and the black skirt tetra somewhere else. I want a swordtail because my last one died. :( This is sorta off topic but could ya tell me if i could add 1 black fin shark. They look so cool. :look:
It is not overstocked at all, and it will be no problem to add a swordtail. :hyper:

But the black fin shark will be to big, if not at first it will be eventually... :eek:
aright thanks. I don't want a black fin shark anymore cause i have a different ph then they need.
no, your tank is not overstocked at all but since your angel will keep getting bigger and they get big believe in me it's best not to put alot of fish in their but yah you can add a few male to pair the fish up !!! ;) good luck
No ur tank isnt overstocked but ur angelfish might snack on baby platys
That confuses me snotirl. When did i say i had baby platies. I only have a male so that would be almost impossible to breed unless i get a female platy or swordtail.

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