Not that way
My fish room is slowly emptying for the winter,which is a good thing I sent 10 fish out yesterday to members of TFF. And today (in just a minute!) I'm bagging up another 20 for the IBC show in Florida. I'd like to post pics of who's going like I did last time but I know nobody really cares, and it's too hard to get a good shot of each individual fish. I took some snaps last night for my own personal use because last show it drove me crazy not knowing who won what so this time I kinda played it smarter.
Last time I sent 3 fish for each class,all of equality. This time I'm kind of placing them myself and sending one who's ab fab with another who's very nice as well and the third being not quite as fantastic as the first two but lovely just the same.
I'm scared my CT's will be dq'ed again for being too small. I've been pumping them full of food everytime they turn around for the last 3 weeks now and it looks to me like they've grown a bit. But it's really hard to tell when you look at them every day
Ok,there's my rant. I'm off to bag/label and pack my fish