3-way Air Split


New Member
Jul 5, 2006
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Tucson, AZ, USA
I just bought a new tank and it came with an air pump that has this 3 point nozzle on it. One line goes from the pump and then two lines go from the other two points with airstones on them but only one of them works. Is there something I could be doing wrong? Thanks
Do you mean your set-up came with a two-valve gang valve that runs to the air pump? In that case, make sure BOTH valves are open (turn them counterclockwise) if you want both airstones to function.
I have done that and still there is a problem. They base from the same line and then the 3 way nozzle attaches and splits the line into 2. This is where only one side is working. I hope that helps.
I did a little research and have discovered that it is a T-Valve. I didn't find anything as to why it isn't working. Any ideas? thanks
OK, so if it is a T-valve, there are no regulating valves whatsoever, right?

Are your airstone identical? If not, one may be more porous so when the pump is trying to push air through both airstones, it follows the path of least resistance. This is where a real gang valve would help so you could meter down the flow through the one airstone and force more air through the other. You could try hooking up the pump directly to each airstone to see what is happening. Perhaps one airstone is completely clogged or defective.
I put new airstones on both of them. I also took off the split lines from the t-valve and air only comes out of one side at a time depending on which way I flip it around. Any more suggestions?

It is hard to diagnose without actually seeing it. If both airstones work when they are hooked up separately and directly to the air pump, I suspect there is something strange with your splitter. I would buy a 2 or 3 valve gang valve which has on-board regulator valves for each line. You connect hosing to the inlet of the gang valve, and then use one to all three of the outlet valves. Airflow to any one accessory is controlled by the appropriate valve it is connected to. They are very cheap - like $3 USD.

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