3 quick questions


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2004
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1. had my community aquarium up for 4 months now, how often should i do the water change? Right now its once a week.

2. I like to change all the auarium decor every once in a while, does that hurt the fish?

3. What kind of other fish would go great with my tetras? (3 neon, 3 black neon, and 3 green neon)

Thanks in advance
1. If your fish seem fine, and if your nitrate levels don't go up from just before one water change to just before the next water change, then you probably don't need to increase your water changes.

2. It can be stressful to the fish, but unless it's a complete clearing and re-vamp, they should be fine (try to always have something in the tank, while redecorating, where fish can hide).

3. Depends. How large is the tank?
1. had my community aquarium up for 4 months now, how often should i do the water change? Right now its once a week.
The best way to decide is buy testing your water for nitrates once a week. If they are higher than 30 or 40 ppm, you should be doing more frequent water changes.

2. I like to change all the auarium decor every once in a while, does that hurt the fish?
As long as you don't change everything (ie. the gravel, etc.), your fish will like the change. Changing the gravel will get rid of the bacteria that has built up when your tank cycled, which means you'd have to recycle.

3. What kind of other fish would go great with my tetras? (3 neon, 3 black neon, and 3 green neon)
First of all, what size tank do you have? Tetras look great in larger groups because it enhances their colours and makes them feel more secure. If you have a large enough tank, I'd suggest getting more of the same kind of tetras to add to the ones you already have. And perhaps a few bottom dwellers, such as otos or corys.

HTH :thumbs:

Bol beat me to it :p
first of i don't wanna increace my water changes i wanna decrease it (how does once every 2 weeks sound)

and i go a 30 gallon tank where i wanna keep all the fish small so i can have more of them
Doing less frequent water changes means that you need less fish in the tank. Do you have a 30 gallon tank right now, or are you planning to get one?

In a 30 gallon, you could keep 6 neons, 3 black neons, and 3 green neons (I think the blacks and greens would swim together :unsure: ) and a few corys or otos. You may be able to get by with doing water changes every two weeks, although weekly water changes would be even better.
ok ill stike with the once a week

do you know where i can get a picture of corys or otos.
1. had my community aquarium up for 4 months now, how often should i do the water change?
Right now its once a week. i would do a 25% change every 2 weeks but 10% a week is good.

2. I like to change all the auarium decor every once in a while, does that hurt the fish?
no but i would only do this sorta stuff once a year.

3. What kind of other fish would go great with my tetras? (3 neon, 3 black neon, and 3 green neon)
Havent got a clue but look at my sig for ideas
2. If you get a small plec or some other slightly teritorial fish it could cause all sorts of prolems...

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