Hey all. I have a 26 gallon tank with 4 giant danios (there were more but thier numbers dwindled after awhile...), 4 peppered cories, 2 emerald cories, and 2 BN plecos. I visited a pet store while I was out of town, and I found BN plecos, clown plecos, pitbull plecos and a few other species. I am thrilled because until I found those, the only plecos I had ever seen were all commons, sailfins, and the one time I found BNs and I got my male. I got a female BN (I hope and think its a female, anyway) from the store, and I really liked the clown pleco they had. They were out of pitbull plecos, but they guy said they do get them in on a regular basis.
Anyway, I really like plecos and would love to get some more, but I don't think I should put any more in my 26 gallon, should I? I would love to add a clown pleco.
I have a ten gallon tank with no plecos, but I think it is too small for any kind of pleco, isn't it?
Maybe I will replace my ten gallon with something bigger and have a pleco tank... hmm....
Anyway, I really like plecos and would love to get some more, but I don't think I should put any more in my 26 gallon, should I? I would love to add a clown pleco.
I have a ten gallon tank with no plecos, but I think it is too small for any kind of pleco, isn't it?
Maybe I will replace my ten gallon with something bigger and have a pleco tank... hmm....