Equipment make/model/size: 3 Pieces of Bogwood
Quantity for sale: 3
Reason for Sale: No longer needed
Delivery or Collection: Collection Preferred, but will deliver
Sales price: Various, see below
Postage & Packaging: Various, see below
Location: Birmingham
Please Note: The pieces are still water logged, so the weight i have put underneath is a lot more than it would be drained. If you would prefer to wait for them to dry, the postage will be around 50% cheaper. It is up to you.
Bogwood 1
Price: £4 Weight: 1kg Delivery: £3.25
(Please note this piece floats, i attached a piece of slate to keep it down. It may be okay if you soak it for a few weeks.)
Bogwood 2
Price: £3 Weight: 2kg Delivery: £6.50
Bogwood 3
£3 Weight: 2kg Delivery: £6.50
Quantity for sale: 3
Reason for Sale: No longer needed
Delivery or Collection: Collection Preferred, but will deliver
Sales price: Various, see below
Postage & Packaging: Various, see below
Location: Birmingham
Please Note: The pieces are still water logged, so the weight i have put underneath is a lot more than it would be drained. If you would prefer to wait for them to dry, the postage will be around 50% cheaper. It is up to you.
Bogwood 1
Price: £4 Weight: 1kg Delivery: £3.25
(Please note this piece floats, i attached a piece of slate to keep it down. It may be okay if you soak it for a few weeks.)
Bogwood 2
Price: £3 Weight: 2kg Delivery: £6.50
Bogwood 3
£3 Weight: 2kg Delivery: £6.50