3 New Ones


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
So... did you guys know Petco sells CTs now? Yeup... so I can never go into Petco again. :look: Their cups have a star shaped sticker that says, "NEW! CROWNTAIL BETTA!" $6.99

I took three out of seven. I felt so bad for the ones left, I knew no one would appreciate them like I would. One guy I didn't think would even make the trip home. He seems to have a deformity, his gills are stuck in a perminant flare. He's still super cute though. He was very wobbly and on his side in the cup, but I got him home and he started flaring right away! :hyper:

Anwho, here are the pics!

Lavender Ct #1 :drool:
I had no idea that they would be so beautiful, they were so sad in their cups I couldn't tell!


#2. He is so awesome when he's in full flare. My brother saw him and said "That fish is kick ass" :lol:



#3 with the funky gills. He's actually blue and purpley/pink but flash changes his colors. He reminds me of a shark :)
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: OMG they are so beautiful. I love all of them I have 3 crowntails but yours are stupendous. :good: :good: how much is that in UK money? I paid £4.50 yesterday for a veiltail and £4.99 day before for one who was so tatty!
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: OMG they are so beautiful. I love all of them I have 3 crowntails but yours are stupendous. :good: :good: how much is that in UK money? I paid £4.50 yesterday for a veiltail and £4.99 day before for one who was so tatty!

It is around £4 Liz.

What beautiful colours they have,well done on grabbing them--don't think they would of been in shop much longer if you had walked away without them :good: :good:
Thanks you guys! I'm trying to find a camera setting that captures their real colors. I'm keeping them right here at the desk because they are so handsome :wub:

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