3 More bettas


Fish Addict
Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hi people!
Well guess what... yeah I got another betta, well three.
I went to walmart yesterday and they had a special on male bettas, they were only $2.43 cnd!!! Thats better than two for the price of one in other stores! So I got a blueish white one for my GF and a pure white one for me... until my GF made me switch so now I have the blueish white one which is fine. I also baught another betta as a gift for someone so I will be taking care of it for a while. It's greenish white :D

Here is a pic of mine!
Awesome flare but fuzzy pic...
Here is one of the gift betta.... I might just keep it ;)
ps: don't worry there aren't two bettas in one bowl! just two bowls near eachother.
Last for now, I'd love to get a pic of the pure white betta. It's really nice!
Aww, what cuties. :wub:

Yep, you'll totally be attached by the time it's time to give your prezzie - you'll just have to buy another one closer to christmas... :whistle:
Watch that betta with those tetras! He will most likely get his fins nipped so I suggest you move him :nod:
richardpereira said:
Watch that betta with those tetras! He will most likely get his fins nipped so I suggest you move him :nod:
I never thought of that... thanks
A little update... I got another two females today!
I'm turning my 20 gallon into a female tank here soon

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