3 months old Swordtail frys!


Fish Herder
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Manchester. UK
Yay they celebrated their 3 month birthday on the 3rd Oct. I released 3 of the biggest to the main tank just now.

From the pics, they don't look like frys! But they r still soooo tiny when compared to their mom. Too bad they don't like taking pics together! :/


  • ST_Fry_01.jpg
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2nd pic

She is around 2cm long right now :wub:


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:wub: :wub: WOW! Those are some very cute babies!!!!! Very nice Feline!
Have babies of from any type of fish always makes me think I'm doing something right. :)

Well done on yours! :thumbs:

(Cripes!! I guess I got up too early - hope you can make sense of my previous ramblings!!????)
NICE....! :D

I love having babies, found a swordtail baby last night, didn't realise that they were so tiny when just born....my molly fry seem to have been massive in comparrison...my 2 week old molly fry could (and I htink one of them has) eat the sword tail...hope mine get to be as big and pretty as yours! :D

GOod luck!
Thanks guys!! :*) I hope my other frys survive through the fry tank re-cycling (Ugh! I don't know why. It's like the beneficial bacteria's been all killed?! :crazy: Nitrite is going up day by day!). So that's why I'm so eager to put them into the main tank... :/

This is how they look like when they r just born :wub: Sowwi for the blurrness
they are so cute i hope my guppies look that cute when they are born :D

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