3 medications at once!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2003
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The LFS gave me an antifungal, antibacterial, and Bettafix Remedy to cure my betta of fin rot. He's actually getting better, but I am worried that using all this medication is bad for him.

I don't know which one is actually helping so I am afraid to stop using any of the 3.

Should I just keep on treating him until he is 100% again? And what of the other fish? The danios and oto are also in the medicated water as I haven't got a hospital tank yet.

What is your experience?

i guess the LFS is covering all the bases. I have never had 3 meds in a tank before so i cant really say what the after effects will be but if its working and the fish are healthy and active then keep going. Once the rot stops and the fins start growing back then i would stop the bacterial and fungal meds and just use the bettafix until all is well. HTH :)
Three! Thats so irresponsible (of the shop :) )!! Using more than one medication is risky, I would never do it at the same time. Fin rot, unless its really nasty, can be cured with clean water and planty of it. But the LFS cant sell you that, so they offload some of their products, and frankly, I think its reckless.

I would just use the anti bacterial until there seems to be good regrowth, then stop using it but continue 20% daily water changes with water that has been left sitting overnight and de-chlorinated.


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