3 k8nds of gouramies in same tank


Apr 29, 2024
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Menasha, Wisconsin
Just a quick post bout my 125 gallons tank. I have 3 different kinds of gouramies in the same tank. 4 Pear Gouramies, 1 Dwarf gouramie and 1 Red Flame Dwarf Gouramie along with some other fish.
The Dwarf Gouramie was a bully in my 46 gallons community tank n tried to rule the new 125 gallons tank but the Pearl Gouramies put him in his place n there had been no bullying by him whatsoever.
They all get along pretty good even with the other fish.
The flame gourami is a dwarf gourami colour form, so you're down to 2 species.
I hope it works longterm. They may ignore each other. They often will. They save their worst squabbling for their own species.
I hope it works longterm. They may ignore each other. They often will. They save their worst squabbling for their own species.
So far so good. But I don't watch em 24/7 cause that tank is in the basement n I don't spend lots of times down there but when I go there I don't see fights. Only once I saw the dwarf gouramie go after the baby pearl gouramie but bfore he got too close the 3 adult pearl gouramies got in between the baby n the dwarf n chased the dwarf away
Some combinations work out very well. I’ve been keeping a group of honey gouramis with some red spiketail paradise fish for quite some time now without any issues.

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