3 Gallon Pico?


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Hi, im just wondering weather it would be possable to set up a small 3-5 UK Gallon tank...
i was thinking:
Tank: 33.5L x19.5W x23.5H cm, made from acrylic, thats 3 UK G alltogether.
Heating: Hydor mini heater, for use with tank from 1-5G, (i have one allready, that i use for my betta tank, and they work great.) they are flat, and can be positioned next to the tank edge, or even under the sand.
Filter: Hagen elite mini, good turnover of 220 litres per hour, so 10 times+ per hour, for a small tank.
Liverock: thinking maybe 1-1.25KG...

the things i dont know are weather this could work, or weather ill need tonnes of specialised equipment etc...

also what lighting i could use, could it be a desk lamp that is positioned over the top, or would it need to be specialised lighting etc.

I know i couldnt keep any fish in that tank, or any corals (i dont think...), but if i could have maybe a couple of shrimps, a sanil and a hermit crab, then that would be great.
im not planning on spending hundreds of pounds on this, but if i could have a go, then id love the oppertunity.

i have an LFS that specialises in marine, so i can get all LR and livestock from there.
If anyone has any surgestions, or info/advise, then id much appreciate it.

Thanks, mikey
Yes It would deffinately work, you would just need to do regular freshwater top-ups.

I think in a tank that size I wouldnt bother with sand, or at least I would have very little sand. 1.5KG of LR, Fill the Elite Mini with carbon and crushed live rock or ceramic filter media.

Hi, im just wondering weather it would be possable to set up a small 3-5 UK Gallon tank...
i was thinking:
Tank: 33.5L x19.5W x23.5H cm, made from acrylic, thats 3 UK G alltogether.
Heating: Hydor mini heater, for use with tank from 1-5G, (i have one allready, that i use for my betta tank, and they work great.) they are flat, and can be positioned next to the tank edge, or even under the sand.
Filter: Hagen elite mini, good turnover of 220 litres per hour, so 10 times+ per hour, for a small tank.
Liverock: thinking maybe 1-1.25KG...

the things i dont know are weather this could work, or weather ill need tonnes of specialised equipment etc...
matterspecialised lighting etc.

I know i couldnt keep any fish in that tank, or any corals (i dont think...), but if i could have maybe a couple of shrimps, a sanil and a hermit crab, then that would be great.
im not planning on spending hundreds of pounds on this, but if i could have a go, then id love the oppertunity.

i have an LFS that specialises in marine, so i can get all LR and livestock from there.
If anyone has any surgestions, or info/advise, then id much appreciate it.

Thanks, mikey
With a volume this small, you are not into a nano tank, but rather a pico. As you already know, no fish should be housed in a pico, but inverts can be quite easily.

You can keep corals, but you will need suitable lighting. Your safest bet is to stick with soft corals, or LPS in a pico. Most people say keeping corals in a pico is risky which it is, but it can be done so long at temperatures remain stable and you have ample live rock and a stable pH. Though stability is your biggest issue, it can be done more easily than most people say. Also bear in mind that if you plan on corals, a refractometer is a much better option than a hydrometer.

Also bear in mind that unless your tap water perfect (which no tapwater is) you will need a source of RO, DI, or distilled. It would be a bit overkill to buy a Ro unit for a pico, but purchasing distilled water from a supermarket should be easy enough. You could also buy NSW from an LFS.
Bunj, i dont get what you mean by doing regular freshwter top-ups....

i my granny (who is about 10 mins up the road) has a rainwter collecter outside, and shes got loads allways in there, but the inside has algae etc....would the wter be harmful???
i could put it through a sieve, to get rid of any dirt etc.?
If that wouldnt be suitable, then use disstilled yes?- but isnt that quite expensive...

AMS: "You can keep corals, but you will need suitable lighting"
what sort of lighting?
how much does it cost?
i dont think id attempt corals, as this would be my 1st attempt...but if its easily doable (and not too expensive) then id try....

Would that set-up work?
what inverts would you surrgest and how many?
what do you feed them etc.
(as you can see im abit of a novice lol.)

thanks for your help :good:, Mikey
Ok, im going to phone my LFS today, but im wondering what i could put in it (what care they need and eat etc.)
I was thinking like:
Scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
turbo snail
and maybe 2 blue legged hermit crabs.

But i dont know what the snail and the hermits would eat....so can anyone help, before i phone.

oh and also what PH, temp and SG would i need? would 1.020 be about right?

Ok, im going to phone my LFS today, but im wondering what i could put in it (what care they need and eat etc.)
I was thinking like:
Scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
turbo snail
and maybe 2 blue legged hermit crabs.

But i dont know what the snail and the hermits would eat....so can anyone help, before i phone.

oh and also what PH, temp and SG would i need? would 1.020 be about right?

The Shrimp is carnivorous so some meaty foods should be fed. The turbo snail is a herbivore and will live off algae. There are a few species of hermits that are called "Bue Legged Hermit Crabs" so a scientific name would be best.

Inverts like a higher SG around 1.025.

I suggest reading all the pinned topics before you jump into this. Marine is far different from freshwater and you must start from square one.
Thanks alot AMS, i have been reading the pinned topics, but there all aimed towards the nanos with corals and mushrooms etc.
whereas mine wont have any in it....
Oh and also, how would i cycle it???

Sorry I meant the pinned topics in all the marine sections, not just nanos.

Starting a Marine Tank will answer a lot of your questions, including cycling.

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