3 Fh In A 75 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Jun 24, 2006
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I was woundering what you guys think about putting 3 FH in a 75 gallon. I know i couldnt keep themin there for life, just for like a half of a year. They are now about 3 to 4 inches. Any help or suggestions woulld be great help thanks.
You could grow them out but if aggression flares you could end up with deaths cos these things dont mess around.
provide them with alot of cover. You will have one dominate FH. There maybe some nip fins but death can be prevented if you keep a close eye on them.
3 of them will outgrow your 75g very fast, my FH lives with a JD and a Blue Lobster in a 75g. He started off about half the size of my JD, however within 6 months he was twice the size (they are really greedy too). He then started to bully the JD a bit but sort of half heartedly gave up after he worked out the JD could take it. Now they all live peacfully, however I still have to watch them closely, just in case. 3 FH in a 75g I personally think will be too small for them to keep out of each others way.
Hard to say. I highly doubt you can keep 3 in a tank as small as a 75g for 6 months.

I had a 2" FH and a 2 1/2" managuensis in a 75g and it lasted 3 days. Came home to just the head of the managuensis in the corner of the tank.

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