3 Females In A 10 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2005
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O'fallon, Illinois
put my 3 small bettas in my 10 gallon aquarium 3 days ago, they were doing fine and now the blue female is chasing the red and cream color females. They have medium fake silk plants and 3 aquarium decorations they can hide in. Is this normal and what can I do to stop this activity. The other 2 ffemales seem to cower on the bottom of the tank until the blue female finds them and starts chasing them. Don't want to see any more females dead//will this cause the other two females to die, and should I put more plants in the tank?
I've heard you should have atleast 5 females together, to even out agression.
there's people on here who know way more than me, so wait for more replies.
I've heard that females can be just as agressive as males but it depends on the betta. but i only have one female and have never kept a comunity and other people besides my would know more.

Edited for spelling
I have a 20gallong (out of commission for the moment) that I had 8 girls in...I started with 6 girls...and at first (for about aweek) there was no aggression once so ever....then all of a sudden some dominace started (which of course is expected) SOOO I rearranged the tank around and added another girl....and everything was fine till a week later (same girl was bullying) So I re-arranged and added another girl....things were fine for a long time then I finally decided to take the one bully girl out and I swapped her for another....and all has been fine ever since! I really think some can handle it more then others...the 8 girls I had in my tank were absolutly in pure bliss...I have never seen them with such deep coloring and such bigg bellies full of eggs! so maybe add some girls (I think 4-5 would be a good number) keep an eye on them all and if that one girl still acts up try taking her out and see if things dont get better.....I am by no means an expert this is just what has worked for me
No chasing today or not much--they are even together at times but you can since some tension. The blue and the red females have some fin splitting//the cream girl seems fine. I guess they got all they're aggression worked out between the three of them. Is it normal for them to not eat after such an ordeal?--The blue and cream girls seem to be eating fine but the little red doesn't seem all that hungry. ??Do females once they figure who's in charge kind of act as a queen and control the others.
i've got four girls in a ten gallon. i think you should get 1 or 2 more females to spread out the aggression.
Lost my little red female she got beaten up so much that she couldn't go on------//----well, the mean blue lady is now in her own tank--1 gallon, and the bigger cream girl has the ten to herself. It's real irritating knowing that the aggression of the blue betta killed my red betta, I have other thoughts for her, but I can't do that even to her---I brought her home so she is still my responsibility to keep healthy.
in my experiance iv found that even groups of 4 or 6 in a 10g works the best (assumeing all your fish aren't blood thirsty).
Everyone is doing fine--and no one is for the worse, so I think I'll keep my bettas all seperated for the time being since it seems I have better luck that way. Thanks you all for all your help, I truely appreciate it.

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