3 Females 1 Male


Fish Fanatic
Dec 7, 2005
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I had two female fighters....today i got a male and female fighter.....all are getting along....do you guys think they will breed? i have other fish in the tank....but one white female seems to follow the male (pink,red and white, and purple)....could this be it?

You should remove the male betta immediatly because either the male or the female(s) will attack and kill either the male or one or all the females. What size tank are the bettas in?
I completely agree with Durkat get a 2 gallon tank or bowl and remove the male
Go HERE to see which fishes can u keep with the male betta and read the last question and answer
but if i put it in a bowl...ho do i keep the water warm?
i dont have a nother heater :/

and the last question....tank of dead fish...do they kill others when they fight each other?
bettas can and do live comfortably in room temperature water. Put the bowl in the warest room of your house, and make sure there are no drastic temperature changes, and the fish will be fine. Females meed to live in bigger groups to even out aggression, and the only time males should be with females is if they are spawning, then should be reoved immediately. Raising betta fry is hard and expensive, I wouldn't advize breeding on a whim either. Seperate them all.
Yea, but you live in the USA and i live in the UK, generally the water gets really cold...... :crazy:
I live in MN and the temp is like 12F outside, some of my bettas don't have heaters and they're fine.
Its 69F in my house right now, but its warmer upstairs, where my bettas are...
You can get a four gallon that you can put a small filter and heater into if youre worried about the cold.
new problem.....when i got the fish...i noticed it had nips on the fins....im going to put in one of those nets to isolate it, how long will it take to grow back? he looks a bit tired....so what do you guys suggest? how do i help him...its not finrot....you can tell by the way its been nibbled at...seen it before....

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