3 deaths in 2 days


Fish Crazy
Sep 2, 2003
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, England
OK, i got 5 new fish on saturday (a male dwarf gourami, 2 rams and 2 platties) and put them in a tank with two ancistrus, a female dwarf gourami, 8 neon tetras and four kuhlis. Yesterday, i found the male dwarf gourami almost dead, lower and tail fins shredded. Today, i found one dead ancistrus and the remains of a neon tetra which the other catfish was feeding on. However, the female gourami is now extremely fat. Who dunnit. what should i do? HELP :crazy: :crazy: . personally i reckon it was the female dwarf gourami but she never used to be aggressive. If it was what should her fate be?
Can you give us some more details e.g water parameters and tank size and anything else of relevance.
THe tank is a 30 gallon but all the fish are small so I don't think the filter (Fluval 3) is struggling with the bioload. I only have a nitrite testing kit and that is fine - 0ppm. At least the neon and gourami were almost certainly beaten to death. The ancistrus was struggling anyway (it was a quarter of the size of the other one i bought at the same time).
Perhaps the new fishies have brought bacteria to the tank. So that's why people recommend quarantining new fish before introducing to the main tank (although I hardly do it :rolleyes: )

I think it's something bacterial so you could try treating with Myxazin from Waterlife or something equivalent to that :)
Is the female gourami still in good shape? When did you set up the tank?

When you said shredded fins, you mean it's like wasting away or got bite off? If the fins are wasting away, then i don't think the fish got attacked. It'll be something to do with the water.

Oh and perhaps doing a water change will help a bit. In the meantime, go get testing kit for ammonia and nitrate :)

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