3 Dead fidh and 3 Sick Silver Dollars


New Member
May 3, 2004
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Hello All,

I'm new here and would appreciate a bit of advice!

Ive lost 3 fish overnight, a Swordtail, a Dwarf Red Gourami, and a Tiger Barb.....

Now 3 of my Silver Dollars seem to have swim bladder problems.

Any Ideas? I don't want to lose my Silver Dollars... watched them grow to a fairly large size!

I may have put a bit tooo much food in the thak last night, and the water smelt a bit off (Doesn't normally) so I've changed about a third of the water.

Thanks in advance.

:hi: to the forum. introduce yourself in the newbie section.

We'll need info in order to help you.

How many fish do you have? Which types? What size tank? Water parameters? Age of tank? Has it fully cycled after the addition of new fish? How big are the silver dollars? What did the three fish die of?
Hi Tempestousfury

Right here goes:


5 Silver Dollars, about 60mm long
2 3 Spot Gouramis
2 Angel Fish
1 Swordtail
2 Black Neon Tetras
3 Sucking Loaches
5 Clown Loaches
1 Catfish (Can't remeber what - it's got long feelers and is sliver)
2 Tiger Barbs


Juwel Trigon 190 Litres
Standard filtration System


Unknown, I live in a hard water area, and the tank is filled with hard water (I believe that softened water isn't any good for them)

I don't know what the fish died of, but the swordtail and the Red Tiger Barb had enlarges stomachs.

Fully cycled after the adition of new fish?? :look: Erm the last fish were added over 3 weeks ago.

The water has a smell of old cabbage about it, and the worst affected Silver Dollar is at the top of the tank on his side.....



Hi glenn,

how long has the tank been set up?

and have you read the pinned topics in the beginners section? - particularly cycling?

Hi Wetwetwet

The tanks has been set up for at least 3 months, some of the water was from my previous tank, which this one replaced.


erm, can you post a link to the topic for me.


You said they have enlarge stomach right, could be bloat if the fish left untreated they will die within 24 hours and it's going to be a painful death(stomach will erupt cause poop won't come out). I'm not sure weather its bloat for sure, if it is i would put some epsom salt(sold in pharmacies) 2 teaspoon/10 gallon. Also get a test kit and test your water so we can help you better to identify the problem....

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