3 Dead Already :( They're Suffocating Help!

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Apr 9, 2013
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I done a 50% change today all parameters are fine I don't have time to list everything I need help quick!!! 3 fish are dead already whilst changing the water I broke the thermometer by accident and the heaters on, I've run out of stress coat so adding cooler water isn't an option right now. I've got my air rock on full flow what else can I do are they all gonna die?
Water without stresscoat is OK considering its an emergency its better than none at all
You don't say whether it's an established tank what kind of fish etc and what your water parameter readings actually are so it is difficult to answer your question intelligently.
Were the fish dying after or before the water change? A thermometer is easily replaced and won't immediately impact on the tank unless it was a glass one with a fluid middle that got broken rather than a digital one. The heater has an in built thermostat and the thermometer checks that the heater thermostat is working correctly. So unless your heater is cranked up too high to start with adding cooler water shouldn't be necessary.
If it is a glass thermometer that broke in the tank you'll need to get the fish out of there pronto as the fluid is probably toxic to the fish.
The fluid didn't leak into the tank I knocked it on the outside of the glass. It's an established tank I've had all the fish in there for about 5 months or so. My thermometer doesn't have a thermostat on it it's just constantly on the lowest setting which is always fine but this evening is very muggy. I had 7 neon terra, 4 rummy nose tetra, 4 redwag platies and a bristle nose plec. I have lost one redwag and 2 bristlenose. They're just all going frantic gasping for air at the top :(
The fish were also fine before water change and I have a dip stick to test ammonia 0
Ph 7 nitrate 0 nitrites 0
Unfortunately dipstick tests aren't reliable. You really need the liquid tests for more accurate results which of course doesn't help you now. Did you add stresscoat or any other chlorine remover to the replacement water? Did the replacement water temp. match the tank water temp.?
Yes I added the stress coat to the water, the exact same process as usual. All I can think is the water temp is too high with the heater being on and the weather being very warm tonight.
I've turned heater off and also the light is off, I have added a large cup full of cool water to the tank but it is untreated as I did use the last if the stress coat earlier doing the water change. Is there anything else I can do for them?
I don't want to leave the top off invade they do try and jump
Untreated water will have chlorine in and that isn't good for the bacteria in your filter. Unfortunately you may have unwittingly made the problem worse by doing so. How big is the tank in litres or gallons and how much untreated water did you add?
Ok, don't worry about the thermometer, the contents of them are fairly harmless nowadays. You haven't put where you are, which would help us a little. There's a huge difference between muggy in Florida or Thailand to muggy in the UK.
If it's heat then they're gasping because warm water doesn't hold as much oxygen, whatever pumps you have running, get them pointing at the surface and get it rippling like crazy, that'll increase the oxygen exchange. You can cool tanks with a bottle of cold water (or ice if absolutely necessary) floating in them, without risking mixing any water. Sometimes it's easy enough to tell just by sticking your hand in the tank.
I'm slightly concerned about your test results, as you show 0 nitrate, which is unusual.
I think the results may be unreliable as the OP said they were dipstick results, Dr Rob.
I have the marina style 60 tank so 60 litre tank
I'm in the uk I've got the air rock thing resting over the top of the tank as to ripple the water
Now my neons have lost all their colour
They're going to die aren't they? :(
Just tested again here are my results hope you can understand these
Mamashack said:
Untreated water will have chlorine in and that isn't good for the bacteria in your filter. Unfortunately you may have unwittingly made the problem worse by doing so. How big is the tank in litres or gallons and how much untreated water did you add?
I really don't think that a cupful of untreated water is going to affect any Filter bacteria, even changing 1/2 of the water there would be hardly any chlorine in the water. It would take a lot of chlorine, swimming pool strength to kill bacteria
I've tried to take a pic of my test but I can't upload I've re tested and ph is 6.8
Nitrates are 10
Nitrites are 0.5
All say they are in the "safe" area
That makes more sense.
This is why we like the liquid kits, results tend to be more consistent, but that's by the by right now.
My suspicion is that you've had a spike of something, for whatever reason. Could have been something in the water you changed. The nitrite should be 0, and I suspect that it's come down to 0.5 but has been bothering the fish. Nitrite will make it tough for them to breathe as it has effects on the gills (and it messes with the oxygen carriage in the blood as well). If the ammonia is 0 then hopefully things are on the way down again, but it may take longer than you'd like.
If you can't get safe water as you're out of dechlorinator then I'd still go with the increased surface agitation approach to get the oxygen levels high, and indeed, keep the temperature down as you've done, but don't shock them with big changes.
Ideally I'd recommend a big water change to get the nitrite down even lower, but that could be problematical for you.
A nitrIte level of 0.5 is certainly not safe - so you'll need to do another water change as soon as you can with water conditioner to reduce that - probably 80-90% to reduce it to minimal levels. A 50% would only reduce it to 0.25 which is still far too high. It should be 0 at all times. I'm now wondering if your tank is going through a mini cycle.
Thank you all so much for your advice I panicked as this has never happened before, the fish don't seem as frantic they're all still at the top but seem a bit calmer and not all bunched together. I'm cooling my room where they are and will keep the thermometer off until morning and hope they are better in the morning and I don't lose anymore
I will keep you posted on how they are
Once again thank you
Sorry mamashack, I'm not sure what level reading are like on the liquid test kits but on the dipstick pot it has got safe and danger levels in red yellow and green. The results are in the green area as to show I assume its safe. My levels have always consistently been at this level. Think these tests as others say are unreliable and very different

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