3 Crabs So Far...


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2008
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I didn't see this guy at all since the tank started (around a month and a half ago) until i had fish to feed which was around 2 weeks ago. Since then it's been getting bolder and even started nibbling at the tips of my brittle star. Anyway good news is i just caught him with some sneaky double net action and now he's in the floating breeding trap with the other little bugger i found (had to smash that one out of a rock in a bucket of freshwater). Serves him right for getting so cocky and attacking my star in broad daylight!
I also found a tiny baby crab that kind of looks (and kind of behaves) like the second crab only smaller and without the patterning on the body and hair on the legs yet. He's also in the breeding trap.
Anyway I've tried to get IDs on that second crab before on here but i didn't really get any near solid answers so i'll try it again... here are the pics!~



Also i'm kind of thinking about keeping them... any ideas of what to try and feed them? I know the blue one likes the fish food because he comes out during feeding time but the other one refuses to take anything. Also whilst trying to wrestle the second one out of the compartment in order to put in the divider, one of it's legs came off. =/ My dad insists it will grow back but i'd like a second opinion on that, also if it does how long would that take and what supplements would encourage it?
Not sure what the first one is its definitely some kind of Xanthid and it looks amazing!

The second one is one of those teddy bear/Gorilla crabs AFAIK and are bad news for corals etc.
Just googled Xanthid crabs and that definitely sounds right. Wouldn't have a clue which of the 13 species it would be though...
Also i just spotted yet ANOTHER crab of different species lurking in the rockwork yesterday =/ Looks like it's going to be the hardest so far to catch too. :angry:
I kept the Xanthids in mine that came in on my rock,i rarely see them unless the lights are off and have got no corals to worry about plus not lost any of my 9 hermits or 2 turbos or my cleaner shrmp or any of my fish so i dont mind them in there.
As Glen says - looks like a teddy bear crab - :crazy: get the bugger out. Too be honest I would get them all out - man look at the size of those pincers. Big pincers = trouble

Seffie x

The Xanthid pinchers are actually round algae scoops Seffie and not as big as they appear and although risky when bigger are pretty harmless when small,although they have been rumoured to kill Hermits,attack cleaners and snap at fish Aswell as eat bristleworms) the general thought is this does not happen until they are about the size of the palm of your hand and by then they are easy to catch in smaller systems.

I think they look great,my blue one hasent caused me any bother yet but i will be fishing him out when he gets big.

The Gorilla/Teddy is a definite nono,they are destructive as hell.
T_T that gorilla/teddy bear one just escaped... I have absolutely no idea how but it's not in its compartment anymore. :crazy:
o_o i doubt it.
They're about the same size and they were separated by a horizontal compartment, with the gorilla one on top. I keep thinking that I've seen flashes of it's leg in and around the rocks but it disappears before i can get a closer look. It's being extremely cautious the smart bugger. XP

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