3 Bettas in 5 Gallon


Swim with the Fishes
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jan 18, 2005
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Mt. Holly, NC
I put one of the new bettas I got in my 5 gallon tank. I want to put something else in there with him. Could I put 2 female bettas in with him? I know it's better to have 2 females as opposed to 1 and I know that is over the 1" per gallon rule but I do water changes every week. Would I need to add more plants for hiding/cover?
If the male and female bettas aren't ready to breed together I would NOT put them together especially in such a small space. The male would most likely end up killing both females.

I would advise to just leave the male betta in his 5 gallon and maybe add some ghost shrimp if you have a filter and heater. If not, I would leave the betta by himself.
I do have a filter which is running and a heater which I am not using as bettas are fine at room temp, about 72. I will go the shrimp route. I love shrimp too and am trying to find some amanos or red cherrys locally for my 29 gallon. Thanks
rdd1952 said:
I do have a filter which is running and a heater which I am not using as bettas are fine at room temp, about 72. I will go the shrimp route. I love shrimp too and am trying to find some amanos or red cherrys locally for my 29 gallon. Thanks
Well that is what I would keep in the 5 gallon. Depending on your betta's temper he might attack the shrimp so I would start out with some cheap ghost shrimp and see how your betta does with them. That way you don't end up spending 10$ on a shrimp your betta decided to attack. :p
Never, ever, ever put two betta together! It does not matter what gender! Males will attack and kill makes, males will attack and kill females and if there isn't enough room, females will attack and kill females. Only put them together if you plan on breeding them.
Just a little pet peeve on saying to only put them together if you're breeding them...

Please, when people are new to bettas, be careful what you say. Unless they've read up on betta breeding, they might think "Oh - cool, babies; sure I'll buy two and keep them together in my tank as a breeding pair then." I would suggest not even including the breeding aspect, since most people buying bettas are buying VTs, who are hard to find quality homes for, and do not understand the complex breeding ritual of the species. Let them get used to betta ownership, let them gain more knowledge, before even suggesting breeding as a possibility. I am only picking on this because I know someone who ended up with both fish dying because the LFS said not to mix them "unless its for breeding." She took it as she could put them together so long as they would be a pair and then she'd not only have 2 bettas in one tank, but babies on top of it. Needless to say, they fought horribly, maimed each other, and passed away from their injuries.

So, ire to RRD, I think the shrimp are a good idea, but as said, buy cheap ones fist ;-) Also, in a 5 gallon, you should not keep two females together as they'll usually fight because its too little space, and they're one on one. Most people reccomend keeping 3-5 in a ten gallon. :thumbs:
RandomWiktor said:
Just a little pet peeve on saying to only put them together if you're breeding them...

Please, when people are new to bettas, be careful what you say. Unless they've read up on betta breeding, they might think "Oh - cool, babies; sure I'll buy two and keep them together in my tank as a breeding pair then." I would suggest not even including the breeding aspect, since most people buying bettas are buying VTs, who are hard to find quality homes for, and do not understand the complex breeding ritual of the species. Let them get used to betta ownership, let them gain more knowledge, before even suggesting breeding as a possibility. I am only picking on this because I know someone who ended up with both fish dying because the LFS said not to mix them "unless its for breeding." She took it as she could put them together so long as they would be a pair and then she'd not only have 2 bettas in one tank, but babies on top of it. Needless to say, they fought horribly, maimed each other, and passed away from their injuries.

So, ire to RRD, I think the shrimp are a good idea, but as said, buy cheap ones fist ;-) Also, in a 5 gallon, you should not keep two females together as they'll usually fight because its too little space, and they're one on one. Most people reccomend keeping 3-5 in a ten gallon. :thumbs:
That is why I said, "if they aren't ready to breed" not , "if you want to breed them" but I do agree with what you're saying. My little sister had the same problem. She has a male betta in a 10 gallon with some ghost shrimp and she wanted a female betta to have lots of babies. :rolleyes: I tried to tell her there was more of a process than just dropping the female in there. She bought a female anyway and now it ended up in my 29 gallon where it is kind of lathargic, all it does is hide out and then come out for food sometimes.
I appreciate all the input. I am definitely new to fish keeping (December). I have tried to read and learn as much as I can but I still like to ask first. I have definitely been afflicted with MTS. From the first 29 gallon in Dec., there are now 3 betta tanks and a new 75 gallon that is delivering tomorrow.
That is why I said, "if they aren't ready to breed" not , "if you want to breed them" but I do agree with what you're saying

Yea, I was directing that more as a broad statement (Skylar said something about breeding as well) since I see people say it almost every one of the very numerous "can I put my betta in with..." threads. Sorry to hear about your sister's girl; siblings can be so stubborn.
RandomWiktor said:
That is why I said, "if they aren't ready to breed" not , "if you want to breed them" but I do agree with what you're saying

Yea, I was directing that more as a broad statement (Skylar said something about breeding as well) since I see people say it almost every one of the very numerous "can I put my betta in with..." threads. Sorry to hear about your sister's girl; siblings can be so stubborn.
Yea, now she wants dwarf puffers in a 10 gallon so I told her she could only have two and now she is wanting platies and fish like that. :rolleyes: I made a deal with her. I told her she could get two dwarfs for her 10 gallon in her room and then pick out some other fish for the 29 gallon in my little brother's room when I move the fish from the 29 gallon into my 120 gallon. :nod:

I agree with your statement though. When people hear "females and males can get along when breeding" they often think they can just throw a female in the male's tank and watch them mate. :dunno:
Just because 1 person did..10 others didn't.

It's not recommended..if you care for the welfare of your fish. lol All of my guys killed their ghost shrimp within seconds of them hitting the tank floor...poor little things :(.
My bettas have all been fine with ghost shrimp, so it's worth a shot... or perhaps an African dwarf frog?
Pet peeve # 2:

"My betta was a huge exception to the general rule about the entire species, and even though 99% of the time this combo wouldn't work out, it worked for me so I'm going to post it, therefore giving novice betta owners the idea that there's a good chance of it working out and probably resulting in fish getting hurt."

Look... there's footage out there of bears and cats who get along great, of lions nursing baby antelope, and of tigers cuddling up with humans. Its all very lovely that it worked out for them, but the point is, it is not the norm. For the same reason that you probably wouldn't put a dog with an unknown temperament in with a cat, you shouldn't put a betta with an unknown temperament in with another betta. It is normal for a betta to fight with other bettas, males or females. It is abnormal for bettas to get along together. Do not suggest the ABNORMAL to new fish owners because its very unlikely that they'll just happen to be that 1% it works out for.

edit: once again, this isn't directed to anyone inparticular, its just something I see in practically every thread so I'm starting to get edgy about it.
U 2 huh, it is getting a tad Repetitious around here lately. :unsure:

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