New Member
I have a bunch of questions, mostly about what fish to get and their behaviour.
I have a 2ft/19gal tank which currently has 6 neon tetras in it. It is 3 months old. And I want to get some more fish and some sort of wood or fake wood ornament.
After reading several of the stickies and heaps of posts about the types of fish I am interested in, heres goes:
I like small, non aggressive fish.
I dont really want to get one af a type of fish because I dont want it to be lonely.
They have to never harrass my other fish.
They have to be not too sensitive to newbies(ie. Me).
Not boring, because I spend alot of time watching my fish.
From the fish I have seen in my LFS and the ones I like, I was thinking:
Harlequin Rasboras(colourful and proud)
Spotted Rasboras(spotted and proud)
Pygmy corys(they have dangly bits on their mouths)
Kuhli loches(they look cool)
black kuhli loaches(they look cool in a black)
honey gouramis(they are elegant)
dwarf gouramis
Anything else?
I was thinking(this might be too many):
6 pygmy cories
3 kuhli loaches
(plus the 6 neons I already have)
Q: Which would you recommend and why? and How many(very important)?
Q: Can any of the above fish be mistaken in an LFS for another similar fish which will grow really big? I dont want to accidentally buy something that will need its own swimming pool in a couple of months, or be big enough to eat the tetras.
Q: If I get another shoal of shoaling fish, will the 2 potentially different species shoal together? or do they stick with their own kind?
I read somewhere that the harlequin rasboras tend to stick to their own kind.
Q: Should I get real or fake wood? or based on your fish recommendations some other ornament/hiding space?
My LFS has some dried real wood in shrinkwrap, are these OK?
The fake one I was looking at is hollow and about half as tall as the tank
I have a 2ft/19gal tank which currently has 6 neon tetras in it. It is 3 months old. And I want to get some more fish and some sort of wood or fake wood ornament.
After reading several of the stickies and heaps of posts about the types of fish I am interested in, heres goes:
I like small, non aggressive fish.
I dont really want to get one af a type of fish because I dont want it to be lonely.
They have to never harrass my other fish.
They have to be not too sensitive to newbies(ie. Me).
Not boring, because I spend alot of time watching my fish.
From the fish I have seen in my LFS and the ones I like, I was thinking:
Harlequin Rasboras(colourful and proud)
Spotted Rasboras(spotted and proud)
Pygmy corys(they have dangly bits on their mouths)
Kuhli loches(they look cool)
black kuhli loaches(they look cool in a black)
honey gouramis(they are elegant)
dwarf gouramis
Anything else?
I was thinking(this might be too many):
6 pygmy cories
3 kuhli loaches
(plus the 6 neons I already have)
Q: Which would you recommend and why? and How many(very important)?
Q: Can any of the above fish be mistaken in an LFS for another similar fish which will grow really big? I dont want to accidentally buy something that will need its own swimming pool in a couple of months, or be big enough to eat the tetras.
Q: If I get another shoal of shoaling fish, will the 2 potentially different species shoal together? or do they stick with their own kind?
I read somewhere that the harlequin rasboras tend to stick to their own kind.
Q: Should I get real or fake wood? or based on your fish recommendations some other ornament/hiding space?
My LFS has some dried real wood in shrinkwrap, are these OK?
The fake one I was looking at is hollow and about half as tall as the tank