unlike most people i don't worry about water-chemistry; i know, bad me. i'm going to be screamed at for saying that. you should check the calculator found at the top of the tropical chit chat forum; input the height, length and width of the tank and it will tell you how many fish can fit. it's more accurate than the 1-inch-per-gallon i find, since it matches my father's way of doing things and his fish were always happy, his water always clear and well, and he had a constant supply of baby Tetras, Danios, Corydoras, Loaches and Ghost Shrimp.
i wish i had a 29 gall, but i don't, so i'll just hand you a nice list of fish that could fit in =)
1 Male Betta - colorful, beautiful fish
1 Moonlight Gourami peaceful gourami, nice spotlight
6 Neon Tetras - colorful, flashy little fish
6 Black Neon Tetras - darker, more daring than the Neon
6 Glowlight Tetras - pretty and shy
6 Platties - colorful, clownlike, livebearers that produce an endless supply of live food
3 Female Bettas - the duller, softer version of the male
6 Kuhlii Loaches - clownlike, tiger-striped
=) just my ideas, seems like 6 is my magic number