29G Stocking


New Member
Nov 8, 2010
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I got a 29G tank around end of November and I started a fish-in cycle with it. During the past week, there was some brown algae and a bit of milky water which I read is a sign of the cycle nearing it's end.

The fish I currently have are 2 angelfish, and 6 male fancy guppies. They live well with each other.

I have a question regarding what fish I can add to my tank when it's done cycling, probably in a few days or a week or so.

Should I add a school of zebra danios? Or maybe some tetras? Dwarf Gouramis? Maybe a bottom feeder?

Thanks for helping me out!
Hi DanVas and Welcome to our beginners section!

A lot of us have been away on holidays so it may be that no one has had a chance to do a writeup for you. It's possible you are still in a Fish-In Cycling Situation and the members are really good at helping with those. There is a great article about this in our Beginners Resource Center.

The way you know that a fish-in cycle is nearing it's end is if you have a liquid-reagent based test kit (most of us like and use the API Freshwater Master Test Kit) and can observe that both ammonia and nitrite(NO2) have tested out at true zero ppm each 12 hours for 2 days running without any water changes having been performed. If that is the case then what you do is continue this testing for another 5 days, consider it to be your "qualifying week" and then if the filter passes this qualification you can consider yourself ready for a small additional stocking (stockings should generally be 2 or 3 fish with a couple weeks in-between to allow the bacteria to stabilize again.)

Most of your stocking addition ideas sound suitable for a 29G but there are others here who are better at stocking suggestions than me!

~~waterdrop~~ :)

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