29 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Mar 29, 2006
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My friend has a 30 gallon with six tiger barbs, 2 paradise fish , 2 gold gouromi.

How much fish could he comfortably add, which fish would look nice and live well with the above?
Well, the safe rule is an inch of fish per gallon, so needless to say you have room for addition. What additions? obviously community fish are a good idea, probably some variety of larger tetras or livebearers like mollies, platies, or swords, probably avoiding anything with flashy fins as the barbs will nip at them. Be sure not to add more than three or four fish at a time either as it may overload the filter making the water deadly for the fish! good luck!
Well, the safe rule is an inch of fish per gallon, so needless to say you have room for addition. What additions? obviously community fish are a good idea, probably some variety of larger tetras or livebearers like mollies, platies, or swords, probably avoiding anything with flashy fins as the barbs will nip at them. Be sure not to add more than three or four fish at a time either as it may overload the filter making the water deadly for the fish! good luck!

pretty solid reply here andd agree totaly...Sounds like tanks is what owner wants it to be....and should posiibly plant or plan around that...if not, then he or she should look into a largr tank.

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