29 Gallon Tank


Fish Crazy
Mar 23, 2007
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I probably have to get rid of my stock in my 29 gallon planted tank because of NTD so i am open to new stocking options :shifty:

Would a school of rams be able to live in there? I know that some may pair up but it is a fairly dense planted tank so the rams will have time to hide and make their own territory. I am thinking 6 rams?

Are there any other biggish fish (as in 2-3 inches) that would be able to live together in a group? Not like school but just share space. I guess some type of fish like rainbowfish but those get too big, like 6 inches, and the smaller species are a bit more expensive/harder to find.

The only other fish i can think is gouramis.

Any suggestions?

Thanks :D
I guess you could try the rams, i dont know how that will come mout. I would recommend maybe a school of 6 lemon tetras and a school of 6 Cardinal Tetras.
If you are putting in 6 rams, don't put in any 'territorial' species, such as gouramis. Go for real community shoaling fish, such as rasboras, danios or tetras. Most rainbowfish get too big for your tank, unless you take the dwarf rainbowfish. A small group would fit in.
I thought the general rule for SA dwarfs like rams and apistos was 1 per 10g, in which case you may get 3 in if you put in plenty of plants and wood to break up the territories
Well, i've known people who've kept and breed pairs in a 10g tank. I've kept 2 apisto's in a 10g before, but they didnt breed. So, you could, in all reality put 6 in there, but assuming that they either all pair off, or you get 6 females for the tank. If you put three in, the 2 stronger ones will beat up the weaker one.
So confusing lol.

I want to try something other than tetras this time. I have had them for awhile o_O

Are there any 2inch + fish that aren't tetras that can live peacfully together in a 29? Maybe 6-10 of them.

If i can't find any, i think i will go with a school of either Lemon tetras, Diamond tetras, or Black neon tetras... I think those fish are able to live in a 29 comfortably.
Well, i've known people who've kept and breed pairs in a 10g tank. I've kept 2 apisto's in a 10g before, but they didnt breed. So, you could, in all reality put 6 in there, but assuming that they either all pair off, or you get 6 females for the tank. If you put three in, the 2 stronger ones will beat up the weaker one.

thats because theres only a single pair then so you dont need to worry too much about territory. 3 pairs in a tank that size is gonna be a warzone.
you might get away with 6 females
i really wouldnt put 6 in that size tank. Your most important thing to look at is how much surface space you have on the bottom. They are bottom dwelling for the most part which means they are constantly going to be in there next to each other with not a lot of area to escape to. I have 2 apistos and 2 bolivian rams in mine and they bicker frequently nothing damaging thankfully and they are in a 55 gallon tank. also you said your looking for something not tetras.... how about tiger barbs, they are semi-agressive but the again so are your cichilds... so they should be ok.
Well, i am kind of looking to have a species tank. With one fish only (with the exception of my albino bn plec :p ) So tiger barbs might work.

How much do you think can live comfortably in a 29 gallon tank?
Any tips?

I think i will go with tiger barbs, i just need to know how much will be able to live in a 29 gallon with a bn plec.
Well, i dont know anywhere near me where i can get bumblebees.

I do remember seeing something on bumblebee catfish that shoal.
I dont think shell dwellers would work because the tank is planted, i don't have hard water (i think they need that?), and i dont have sand :(

I probably have to stick with tigers although i don't know know how much to put.
It comes down to your maintance, if you go by the inch of fish "rule" then you could do 10 with 1" of over stock plus the plec. I think 10 would be fine but that is just my opinion. If you want to make it interesting try to see if you can find the albino tiger barbs and maybe do 5 and 5.
I think i'll go with 10. Maybe albinos if i can find them.

My maintenance will be pretty good since i will be doing ei fertz so i will have to do weekly water changes of 50% ;)

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