29 Gallon Stocking Question

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Jun 16, 2013
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I just finished a fish-less cycle in my 29 gallon. Last night I bought 5 danio GloFish and 6 zebra Danios. So I have a total of about 16 inches worth of fish when they're fully grown. I also want to have a few Guppy's or something a little bigger with some nice color.
I need suggestions for a few colorful additions to go with with Danios and also is there any small bottom eaters that will help keep my sand clean ?
Also my son wants a mystery snail and ive read that they like cucumbers and romaine lettuce to eat is this right ? And will it hurt my other Danios ?
I also read that they need calcium added to the water. How do i do this easily and safely ?
My water stats are
Ph 7.6
Amm 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate around 5 ( just did a 90 percent change yesterday to fix nitrates after fish-less cycle)
tested with api test kit
tested with strips GH around 180 PPM and KH around 120PPM
Oh and Happy New Year
For a bottom feeder, you could try a bristle nose pleco. They stay fairly small. Though, I don't think they will keep sand clean. You just have to vacuum the sand....
Veggies won't hurt your other fish! They will enjoy them too! I tried to feed my pleco cucumber. The guppies ate more of it than he did!
maybe a dwarf gourami and corycats?

male gouramis might be aggresive to one another but should do fine in a community tank. Also I'm not exactly sure how they will get along with danios since danios could get a little wild. they might get along with guppies but not so sure. I have platys with a gourami and they get along just fine.

Corycats will keep your sand bottom clean but they should also be fed regular food. be careful about buying cory cats from big chain stores like petsmart as they don't really take good care of their corycats and be sure to check all your fish carefully when purchasing. I've had about 5 outta 8 corys die on me due to not carefully inspecting them when I bought them from petco, damaged barbels and red gills everywhere.
Could you put a school of cories in a 29? Because I hear they don't Like to be by themselves.
You are a shade overstocked on danios to allow much of anything else. They will also bother a lot of fish because of their high amount of activity. Corys would be a nice addition, but you generally need 4-6 to have a fun group and they would then overstock your tank. The Bristlenose Pleco idea is nice, but you won't see much of them unless you shut the light off. They are good hiders. If you would have started slow with the danios, your stocking options would be much greater.
Edit: Keep in mind, the inch per gallon rule is nice, but activity, cover, filtering, and other factors are at play when stocking.

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