29 Gallon Stocking Help


New Member
Apr 4, 2007
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i currently have an empty cycled 29 gallon tank and im wondering what to put in it. i was gonna go with tiger barbs but im exploring other options. i dont like molllies, swordtails, or platys at all whatsoever. i want action, color, and a good amount of fish. any suggestions?

also for the tiger barb tank, does anyone have a good setup that i could use for a 29 gallon? like tankmates and number of barbs and stuff :good:
Well you could have Cherry barbs, however they DO NOT get along with the tiger barb, and are not supposed to put with them. But Cherry Barbs do have a lot of color. You could also try Cardinal tetra's, Neon Tetra's. Any type of rasbora, they like to school. Or the hatchet fish likes to school near the top of a tank.

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