29 Gallon Stocking Help.


New Member
Jul 11, 2006
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Sorry if these arent allowed in here. I dont know where else to put it.

For my 29 gallon tank I'm thinking about putting:

2 Bolivian Rams
1 Dwarf Gourami
12 Neon Tetras
2 Platies
5 otos
5 cories

Is that overstocked? If the bolivian rams and the dwarf gouarmi cant be together ill stick with the Bolivian Rams.

I did not buy the fish yet. My tank is still going threw a fish less cycle.

If I cant get the dwarf gourami what other fish can I put in there?
about the platies

I think that you need 1 male for 3 females, so 2 isn't an option.

Also, you could just get 5 males or 3-5 females (cos males need to spread agression), and then you will not be overrun with inbred fry, although it seems awesome (yay I got fry), it sucks when you realise they will not stop breeding! :S
Oh. What other fish can I get besides the platies? Ive been looking at pictures and I'm not that intrested in them anymore. How about Guppies or some other kind of schooling fish.
guppies are also livebearers, so the 5 males option would stop any fry, as usually females are pregnant already! (they can hold sperm for 6 months or something crazy).
Maybe ill get 5 male guppies or some other type of schooling fish. LIke black tetras or something. Any ideas?
Schooling fish usually need to be in groups of 6+ so you mite have to rethink your stocking slightly. How about Harlequin rasboras?
Yes bolivian rams and dwarf gouramis can be kept together. Good choice regarding the bolivian rams - i am going to add a pair to my new 20ukg :good:
No, I ment black neon tetras.

What about a couple of colombian tetras? Tetras are the only schooling fish I know.
1x male siamese fighter
2x female siamese fighters

1x Sailfin corydoras

1x black widow tetras
1x varigated platies
1x Indian striped gourami
2x Kribs

3xghost widow tetras
2x keyhole cichlid
2xred eyed tetras
12x neon tetras
1xneon sword(maybe more babies)
2x unknown stripey loaches (not clowns, maybe dario?)
1xbristlenose plec
There the fish taht are in my 29 gallon so you could go by something like that.
Although there are about 30 other juvenile guppies in there at the moment which im going to transfer to my other tank.
I currently have 4 black widows in my 15ukg - brilliant little fish :) . Just one thing to watch - they are finn nippers so may upset your gouramis if you decide to go with them.

EDIT* Just seen the other post.
If there going to upset my gourami, I wont get them.

So how about this

2x Bolivian Rams
1x Dwarf Gourami
6-12x Neon Tetras
5x Otos
5x Cories
?x (more fish)
?x (more fish)
Personally i'd drop the otos - but thats up to you.
Something like -
2 b rams
1 dwarf gouramis
6 neon tetra
6 black neon tetra
6 harlequin rasboras
5 corries

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