29 gallon planted


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2005
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This is the first time I took photos of my tank and showed anyone... so I went a bit crazy and some are not in the best focus (my cam isn't the best).


My tank when I first got live plants. Blurry! :(

The tank after re-arranging, C02 and time to grow a bit. That's water lettuce at the top if you wonder what's hanging down.

Siamese algae eaters
Full tank shot, with lots of reflections lol.

Orange platy

Neon tetra and calico platy
Mr. Platy, the only male of the bunch. Out of focus but he moved too fast all the time. Best I could do.

Platy Fry... for the fry lovers

Foregroung plants, not sure what they are called anymore
looks great so far, :thumbs:
the plants are real right?
Hi Fin Platy and Bolivian Ram peeking at us

Bolivian Ram decides if he should go inside the cave

Even though this one is really blurry I think it's cute! Bolivian Ram.
Dwarf_Dude said:
looks great so far, ever thought of replacing the fake plants with real plants?

There isn't a fake plant in the tank! Only in the first pic, which was about 3 months ago, and only two fakes ones in that. :)

Edit: AHH! You edited, lol, yep they are all real.
Very nice tank! :D I really like the way you've aquascaped it.

I love the picture of the Ram looking at you. Too cute! :wub:
Thanks for the comments :)

I love that last pic of the Ram too! He's like "Geez mom, what the heck are you holding?! Lemme get a closer look"
Nyte! Glad to see another person interested in the planted aquariua!

I don't think the substrate is appropriate for a planted tank . . . nor all that attractive either (blue glass disks?). I know it's a pain, but it would probably be a good idea to switch to something plant friendly-- the best being sometype of claybased aquarium substrate like florite or black onyx, or there is the ever popular eco-complete (I have to put in a major prop for this stuff-- works best, kick-starts the bacteria colonies, and doesn't cloud the water at all!). I assume that you have invested in good lighting since the plants have been alive for 3 months.

Also, take off that background!!! Planted backgrounds really detract from real plants.

SAE are great fish aren't they? Mine come over and clean my finger nails and palm while I trim the plants. :D
tear-scar said:
Nyte! Glad to see another person interested in the planted aquariua!

I don't think the substrate is appropriate for a planted tank . . . nor all that attractive either (blue glass disks?). I know it's a pain, but it would probably be a good idea to switch to something plant friendly-- the best being sometype of claybased aquarium substrate like florite or black onyx, or there is the ever popular eco-complete (I have to put in a major prop for this stuff-- works best, kick-starts the bacteria colonies, and doesn't cloud the water at all!). I assume that you have invested in good lighting since the plants have been alive for 3 months.

Also, take off that background!!! Planted backgrounds really detract from real plants.

SAE are great fish aren't they? Mine come over and clean my finger nails and palm while I trim the plants. :D
Hi Tear-Scar :)

I totally agree with you on the planted tank background it's... :sick: lol. I will be getting a plain black background next time I'm out and about shopping. After seeing lovely planted tank pics here with the black background I've been converted.

The blue glass marble disk things... wow those are oooold. Been in that tank for about 5 years now. For years and years the tank had fake plants and just recently I converted. There's only a handful of them in there.

The substrate is natural looking gravel with some finer gravel under the plants and mixed in everywhere. I use root tabs, flourish I think is the brand, to make up for the lack of great substrate. When I get my 90 gallon going, it'll have the proper substrate.

For the lighting I have 3 bulbs. Around 2.5 wpg. Next weekend I'm building a proper hood for it! *happy dance* Right now I just have a double flouresent fixture from home depot and another fixture. Bulbs are a triton, a coralife full spectrum 6700k, and some cheap bulb. I've cover them with tinfoil for reflection and to keep the bulbs from lighting up the entire house! haha it's pretty ugly right now.

Agreed on the SAEs. They are the life of the tank!

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