29 Gallon Cycled...


Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2004
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I want to add 3 more Zebra's for sure, would those and possibly a few more fish (don't know what kind yet) work or will I be overstocked? Also what would you suggest for the "few more fish"? I'm not picky, just want something colorful and lively, and something for algae control. Swordtails? Catfish? More Danio's? Rasboras?


I've always thought a tank full of Endler's would be cool...but they can be hard to find. I'm currently obssessed with neon dwarf rainbows (4 males, 4 females, all frolicking happily in my planted 29 gallon), so I have to put a word in for them too.

You have a centerpiece (gouramis) and some schoolers (danios). How about a bottom dweller? 3-6 Corys, otos, or one of the smaller loaches would work nicely. 1 SAE is always a good addition for algae control and interest.

The key with a 29g is utilizing the different layers to best effect, since otherwise, it's just a 20g long...
Thai_Fish said:
I'm currently obssessed with neon dwarf rainbows
I was thinking about bosemani rainbows, but thought that they get as big as my gourami's. Dwarf rainbows would be cool, I didn't know they existed.

modernhamlet said:
How about a bottom dweller? 3-6 Corys, otos, or one of the smaller loaches would work nicely.
I want a bottom dweller, I'll have to look into the one's you've suggested. Any favorites? How about clown loaches? Or are those too big?

Some good suggestions, I'll have to look into the availability of those fish. I have some homework to do tonight! Thanks Thai_Fish & modernhamlet. :cool:

also you can put 6 sparkling gouramis, they grw up to 1"-2" adn they're colofurl, peaceful as well :) i like them a lot! i'll have a bunch in my 30 Galor my 29 Gal
Clown loaches are definitely too big (Otherwise, I'd have them in my 29g too! :D).

I'd see what is available at your LFS, come up with a list and then do a little research.

Some loaches to consider:

Dwarf chain loaches stay quite small (<2" at adulthood) and should be kept in schools of 5 or more. They are great peaceful fish though, when you can find them...

Kuhli, Yo-yo and Polkadot loaches are other good options that grow to around 4" and like to be in small groups.

Common loaches to avoid (in this particular tank):

Clown (too big)
Tiger (aggression)
Skunk (aggression)

ryan has some great loach write-ups over in the Cyprinids section of the Fish Index.

HTH! :thumbs:

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