29 Gallon At Work


Fish Fanatic
Sep 19, 2005
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Wenatchee, WA
Hey I'm setting up a 29 gallon for my mom at her salon for her clients to look at while they wait. Anyway, I'm having trouble as I only have experience with larger fish in my 75. When I do it on my own I seem to overstock a little bit then go through the trade in hassle. Well, I was thinking of going with some dwarf gouramis, and blue rams. I have 4 males in my 75 gallon and as some of you may remember I couldn't find females at my lfs to trade for the 2 males that are stressed. I was thinking of putting the 2 non-dominant in there. Other than that, maybe a bristlenose. I would like to add other fish, but I researched the smaller fish and I don't understand the rules. In example, it says a certain type of fish that gets to 3" should be kept in a minimum of 30 gallons; I don't know if that means just one by itself or if I could keep another with it, etc...I'm sure your tired of hearing the "help me stock" questions, but I would really appreciate your help.
The 1" per gallon rule works pretty well with community tanks. I would go with mainly tetras, rasboras, danios, corys (may be a problem with the rams) or other small (less than 3") fish. Stay away from livebearers as you or your mom probably won't have the time to care for them.
The 1" per gallon rule works pretty well with community tanks. I would go with mainly tetras, rasboras, danios, corys (may be a problem with the rams) or other small (less than 3") fish. Stay away from livebearers as you or your mom probably won't have the time to care for them.

Amen to that. Smaller schooling fish are what you're looking for :)

I also agree with the livebearers comment, they'll be too much for a workplace tank
The 1" per gallon rule works pretty well with community tanks. I would go with mainly tetras, rasboras, danios, corys (may be a problem with the rams) or other small (less than 3") fish. Stay away from livebearers as you or your mom probably won't have the time to care for them.

Oh I forgot about cories, they will work too as a for sure. The 5 I have in my 75 don't get the slightest attention from my rams. I heard a rumor that larger gouramis such as the 3-spot and gold don't work with the dwarf, is this true? I have one of each of the two I mentioned and I would put them in the 29 if they work with the smaller ones. That is if they don't overstock it. Also, an albino redtail shark, and 3 cherry barbs if possible. Note: I'm saying these fish because rather than going out and buying all these fish, I would like to make some use of what I already have.
Is there also some sort of automatic fish feeder? I would feed the fish, but as you probably can understand, I want to be as far from a hair salon as I can be most of the time. Jk, but anyway I go to school about half an hour away from the salon and don't get home until around 6-7 pm anyway after sports. And to be honest, I simply do not trust them to feed them the right amount. I can clean the tank on weekends, but I need a way to feed them during the week.
Is there also some sort of automatic fish feeder? I would feed the fish, but as you probably can understand, I want to be as far from a hair salon as I can be most of the time. Jk, but anyway I go to school about half an hour away from the salon and don't get home until around 6-7 pm anyway after sports. And to be honest, I simply do not trust them to feed them the right amount. I can clean the tank on weekends, but I need a way to feed them during the week.

you can buy an automatic feeder at walmart for $10. no clue how good it works, though.
Is there also some sort of automatic fish feeder? I would feed the fish, but as you probably can understand, I want to be as far from a hair salon as I can be most of the time. Jk, but anyway I go to school about half an hour away from the salon and don't get home until around 6-7 pm anyway after sports. And to be honest, I simply do not trust them to feed them the right amount. I can clean the tank on weekends, but I need a way to feed them during the week.

The ones I have seen require you cut another hole in the back of your hood, and are rather unsightly, especially since you're setting up a display tank.
So, the extirer of your tank is just as important as the inside.
the best way is just to have them feed the fish.
They'll learn after a couple of days, just like you did.
If your still not sure you trust them to feed the fish, get one of the pill containers you can get for old people which has mon, tue, wed, thur, fri, sat and sun sections and put the food in there, then all they have to do is tip in the relevent days worth of food and you can re fill it at the weekend. Otherwise you might get different people feeding them a few times the same day.


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