29 Gallon All Barb Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2006
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OK. I keep coming back to the barbs because they are some of the most colorful, hardy and active fish. I know I have a small tank, but is this a reasonable stocking...

(6) Cherry Barbs
(6) Gold Barbs
(6) 5 Striped Barbs

It pushes the limit, I know. But can it work without stressing the fish?
There are several species called "Striped Barb" by the trade. Pretty much all of them grow to big for a tank that size. Barbs like swimming space.

Gold Barbs, (assuming you mean B. schubertii, actually not a valid name, they are a colour morph of B. semifasciolatus), will grow to 75mm/3"+ and the Cherry Barbs to 50mm/2", these planned groups alone will fill that tank.

Bear in mind also that Cherry Barbs are not a shoaling fish. They live solitary lives in the wild, coming together only to breed. 2 males together in a tank that size may well fight. They are best kept as a pair, or trio, 1 male 2 females.

*** EDIT ***

I re-read your post, is the (6) 5 a typo or did you mean B. pentazona?
If you can locate them locally Barbus Gelius and Barbus Pentazona look very nice in a well planted tank and they both form good shoals when 6 or more are kept together.

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