29 Gal Stocking Question


Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2005
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Im running through some new stocking options and was thinking about tiger barbs and redtailed black sharks and maby a pleco or a group of corrie at the bottem. Do you think this will work or is it a dumb idea?

You could get the barbs and 1 RTBS but i'm not sure the corys would be ok with the RTBS as they would be on the same level. You could also get green tiger barbs and albinos for a bit of variation.

Emma :)

You could get the barbs and 1 RTBS but i'm not sure the corys would be ok with the RTBS as they would be on the same level. You could also get green tiger barbs and albinos for a bit of variation.

Emma :)

Personally i would just stick with the tiger barbs redtail black sharks can be quite agressive bully's as can tiger barbs but they are only bully's in one's and two's so what i'd suggest you do is buy 8-10 tiger barbs because when there in a shoal they very rarly pick on anything other than them self plus they look great when there shoaling together buy some sand and bamboo also some Umberella-fern plants to complement the fish thats what i'd do ! Oh and if you can get a hold of them buy 8-10 coolie loaches too great stuff !!
From what i have read and with the tank only being a 29 gal tank more than 1 RTBS is out of the question. So maby i could put in a trio of a less aggressive shark in with the tiger barbs. Im trying to make a semi aggressive tank. I have thought about cichlids but for the amount of fish i want i need a bigger tank. Any ideas are greatly conciderd

I can't think of any sharks where a trio would fit in a 29 gallon. There are lots of dwarf cichlids which would be fine as a pair in a 29 gallon, have a look at the pinned topics in the cichlid sections. Personally i see no problems having 1 RTBS in a 29 gallon tank with tiger barbs. What are the dimentions of the tank?

Emma :)
I think you should skip the RTBS too. It won't take long for one to out-grow that tank. A pair of Rams or Kribs would look great with the tiger barbs. You could go with the Cory cats in this case, or maybe a Bushy-nose pleco...great bottom feeder and will keep you glass clean as well.
Again be sure to keep 8 or more TB's or you'll likely have trouble!

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