I used an albino bristlnose pleco, but most plecos that stay below 8 inches should work fine.
yea that what im use too. But im looking for somthing more unique. And i took a look at the sticky
not to be abrupt, but your current 29 gallon stock is already a bit of an issue "29g- a male and female Krib, 1 head stander, 1 giant danio, 3 ruby red barbs, 2 clown loaches (New)". giant danios get pretty big and need to be in a group of 6, so I'd rehome it and get 3 more ruby barbs instead.
Clown loaches will be way too large for your tank at full size, If they're new, I'd take them back. You'll be dooming them to a horrible death of their organs growing while their body stays the same size. They may be cute when they're little, but they get very long and very thick. You're not looking at just 8-12 inches of fish when you account for their thickness and height. There are plenty of better choices to go with that fit your tank size.
Back on topic, you do have a lot of choices in regards to picking a pleco. There are loads of them out there, some of them are quite beautiful, like what you're looking for, but keep in mind a lot of these beautiful plecos come with a big price tag.