I'm planning on doing a 71G Lake Tanganyika Biotope aquarium and I need help with some stocking (It should also be noted I'm new to the hobby and this will be my first aquarium as an adult!)
Right now I've planned the following:
2x Julidochromis Marlieri, 2x Neolamprologus leleupi, 2x Altolamprologus compressiceps, 2x Neolamprologus tretocephalus, 2x Altolamprologus calvus and 4x Synodontis multipunctatus.
So what I want to know is the following: Can these species live together and can I increase the number of some of the fish (Maybe increase one of them to 4 and remove one of the others). I've googled and what i came up with is that most of the requires large groups of 15-20 if you want more than a pair. Is this true for all of them or can i increase the number on some of them without stressing them out.
Is this to many fish? or can i actually fit more.
Also do you have any ideas for Chiclids i should look into instead some of them i've chosen? (Im not into shell dwelers)
Hope you'll can help me!
I'm planning on doing a 71G Lake Tanganyika Biotope aquarium and I need help with some stocking (It should also be noted I'm new to the hobby and this will be my first aquarium as an adult!)
Right now I've planned the following:
2x Julidochromis Marlieri, 2x Neolamprologus leleupi, 2x Altolamprologus compressiceps, 2x Neolamprologus tretocephalus, 2x Altolamprologus calvus and 4x Synodontis multipunctatus.
So what I want to know is the following: Can these species live together and can I increase the number of some of the fish (Maybe increase one of them to 4 and remove one of the others). I've googled and what i came up with is that most of the requires large groups of 15-20 if you want more than a pair. Is this true for all of them or can i increase the number on some of them without stressing them out.
Is this to many fish? or can i actually fit more.
Also do you have any ideas for Chiclids i should look into instead some of them i've chosen? (Im not into shell dwelers)
Hope you'll can help me!