27 gallon. what to get


Fish Fanatic
Aug 23, 2004
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i Have a 27 gallon i have had up and running for 2months now. I have 2 neon tetras in it. I dont want anymore tetras, i was wondering what i could put in to a tank that size.
why not a species tank since you already have a community tank?
You could probably exchange the neons at the pet store for something else

I'd make it a dwarf cichlid tank of some sort. Rams probably, I love rams!
yvez9 said:
why not a species tank since you already have a community tank?
You could probably exchange the neons at the pet store for something else

I'd make it a dwarf cichlid tank of some sort. Rams probably, I love rams!
would 2 rams be okay in a 27gallon? if so what else could i put in
Rams would be fine in there :) You could add a school of rummynose or cardinals with them :thumbs:
Why not get the rams and a school of longfin zebra danios or black phantom tetras and 2 pearl gouramies...

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