26 molly fry all died within 2 days


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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I had one black molly give birth to 26 fry. Acople days later she came down with ich so I removed the fry and treated the adults. The only other tank I hadat that time was a 2gal so in they went. I was very worried that being in a 2gal would stunt their growth so I asked around on a fish forum and someone told me that a 50% water change every day or every other day would help them so I left a bucket of water out for 24 hours and started the water changes by the second water change all the fry were died. I knowthey didn't get sucked up into the filter because I put a cut nylon on it. The temp was around 76f. I didn't look at the ph but I don't that's what killed them since the fry where in the tank for at least a week before I started the water changes. Do you think it was the water changes?
Sorry to hear about your loss. :-( :-(
I am a guppy breeder and one time my tank of approx. 80-100 fry got some flesh eating disease and their whole tails melted away and they all died within a week! :sick: :sick:

I dont know. It may have been a combination of different water temperatures and stress from being moved.
Look on the bright side though, you'll have more fry in a few weeks! :) :)

Good Luck!!
Did you dechlorinate the water you added to the tank as from what you say it could be the chlorine which killed them :( :-(
I think that's what did it. I never had that problem with my other fry or adults though but then again I never did that big of a water change before. Yes, I hope my black molly that's preg now doesn't die before she has babies. She's healthy but I have very very bad luck with mollies.
The best thing you can do is at the first sight of ick, treat the tank with 1 tbs of rock salt, or aquarium salt per 5 gal. Keep up with water changes. In fact if you have babies in the tank you should do a water change every 2-3 days. Make sure you add an appropiate ammount of salt into the new water, mix it up and make sure it's arround the same temp. add it in the tank. Continue for about 1 week after first treatment. Ick can fall off the fish reproduce it's spores and reappear. that's why you have to continue the treatment for a week. I hope this helps.
Here are my top food suggestions for livebearers. Best food that I have found are Earthworms (messy & stinky, but works), Boiled Carrots (makes collors appear quicker) bbs (fry love it) Egg yolk (has to be boiled and let cool before feeding. Mash it up in some water to soften. feed with a toothpick, a little goes far) I hope this helps. I have breed guppies for a while now and this works for me. :)
How do you feed boiled carrots to fry? did you mashed up? i wouldnt mind trying this approach.

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