I had one black molly give birth to 26 fry. Acople days later she came down with ich so I removed the fry and treated the adults. The only other tank I hadat that time was a 2gal so in they went. I was very worried that being in a 2gal would stunt their growth so I asked around on a fish forum and someone told me that a 50% water change every day or every other day would help them so I left a bucket of water out for 24 hours and started the water changes by the second water change all the fry were died. I knowthey didn't get sucked up into the filter because I put a cut nylon on it. The temp was around 76f. I didn't look at the ph but I don't that's what killed them since the fry where in the tank for at least a week before I started the water changes. Do you think it was the water changes?