25gallon tank

Hi Guppylover, :)

The only shark that you could possibly fit in your tank would be a rtb or ruby shark...and they can get up to six inches. Also, having one(you shouldn't keep more than one of those sharks together) of those fish would greatly limit what you can put in your tank.

I would not advise that you add a shark with swordtails(although I realize that people have been successful before) because they are not tough/fast enough.
Pretty much any community fish. There are lots. Platys, Mollies, Endlers, Guppies, most Tetras (Glo Light, Neon, Cardinal, Black Skirt, Emperor, etc), some Barbs (Rosy, Cherry and a few others I forget), Cories (dozens of species), some of the smaller Loaches (Khuli, Skunk, several others) and a lot of others I can't remember.
Teelie said:
Pretty much any community fish. There are lots. Platys, Mollies, Endlers, Guppies, most Tetras (Glo Light, Neon, Cardinal, Black Skirt, Emperor, etc), some Barbs (Rosy, Cherry and a few others I forget), Cories (dozens of species), some of the smaller Loaches (Khuli, Skunk, several others) and a lot of others I can't remember.
Skunk loaches though IME are particularly hostile loaches. and not a great community fish. However Yo-Yo loaches which also stay small and are rather friendly can be added to that list.
I've never kept Skunks though I heard they were a smaller variety... Yo-Yo's were one I was trying to think of. I'm going to try getting them and/or Kuhlis myself if I can get ahold of some. They seem to be fragile though and my LFS has had problems with their supplier keeping them healthy so they still haven't gotten any.
Teelie said:
I've never kept Skunks though I heard they were a smaller variety... Yo-Yo's were one I was trying to think of. I'm going to try getting them and/or Kuhlis myself if I can get ahold of some. They seem to be fragile though and my LFS has had problems with their supplier keeping them healthy so they still haven't gotten any.
Could be the supplier. So far my Yo-Yo's have been very hardy surviving an ICH breakout. They made it through a week of full strength ich treatment after the 2 weeks of half strength didn't work. and they're the first ones out and about after water changes.
I think it's the supply the supplier gets. They keep getting them in but they get sick and die, so they don't send them to my LFS (which they and everyone who goes there obviously appreciates). This is the Kuhlis too btw, the Yo-Yo's haven't been attempted yet as far as I know.
Sounds good :thumbs: The rosy barbs and cory cats are fun :) They'll go well with your swordtails!

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