Fish Addict
My 25gallon tank is almost finished cycling... so what should I add?
I really would like to have some sharks and mabye some swordtails.
I really would like to have some sharks and mabye some swordtails.
Skunk loaches though IME are particularly hostile loaches. and not a great community fish. However Yo-Yo loaches which also stay small and are rather friendly can be added to that list.Teelie said:Pretty much any community fish. There are lots. Platys, Mollies, Endlers, Guppies, most Tetras (Glo Light, Neon, Cardinal, Black Skirt, Emperor, etc), some Barbs (Rosy, Cherry and a few others I forget), Cories (dozens of species), some of the smaller Loaches (Khuli, Skunk, several others) and a lot of others I can't remember.
Could be the supplier. So far my Yo-Yo's have been very hardy surviving an ICH breakout. They made it through a week of full strength ich treatment after the 2 weeks of half strength didn't work. and they're the first ones out and about after water changes.Teelie said:I've never kept Skunks though I heard they were a smaller variety... Yo-Yo's were one I was trying to think of. I'm going to try getting them and/or Kuhlis myself if I can get ahold of some. They seem to be fragile though and my LFS has had problems with their supplier keeping them healthy so they still haven't gotten any.