25% water changes


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
Newport, South wales
Does his sound okk... if I was to boil the water and let it cool down? Does boiling it get rid of chlorine etc? How do I do it, in the past I have just got some water ready, then left it standf for a week... but I found that it brings the water temp right down -_-

Any Advice?
I don't think boiling water gets rid of chlorine. You'll need to use a de-chlorinator and maybe one that gets rid of chloramine as well.

I jsut try to temp match the water (to touch) from the hot and cold taps, add dechlorinator and then syphon it back into the tank.
dont boil you water and let it cool down...this is not good at all for fish :(

1 kettlefull per bucket is fine to get the temp up..but please dont use boiled water in your tanks on its own
You should always use a good water conditioner, letting the water stand is not a good way of ridding the metals and chlorine/chloramine. I use interpets tapsafe as it removes chlorine/chloramine and it contains aloevera which protects the fish. You should try to match the tmperature of the water you are adding to that of the tank, if its too cold or hot you risk putting the fish into temperature shock. A 25% weekly water change is fine, this should be done on a regular basis, personally I do about a 40% water change every week.

-Chris :D
In this day and age there really is no reason to go through the hassle of boiling or aging water. neither of these methods will deal with chloromines anyway, which are getting more and more popular as the choice for drinking water. Water conditioners work instantly and work well. Add conditioner (enough to treat the water being replaced) right before filling the tank and you can fill straight from the tap if you wish. All my water changes in all my tanks are done this way, using a python hose straight from the tank, water adjusted to be similar to the tanks.
Hiya, when i leave it stand.. i do add a few drops of dechlorinater....but how do i get it a gd temp then before i add it? i have no idea..
thecichlidaddict said:
You adjust the tap water until it feels the same as the aquarium water. If you really want to be finicky you can use a thermometer.
i dont agree.

maybe your different in the USA but using water from the hot tap is NOT recomended in the UK. there is all kinds of crap that passes through your boiler and heating system and this should deffinatly be avoided in my opinion
Fair enough, in Canada and the U.S. this isn't a problem, but I can see where you are coming from.

You can always just let it stand to room temperature. It is not necessary to actually heat up the water to exactly the same temperature as the tank. Keep in mind that we are only replacing a portion of the water. You can replace 25% of the water of a tank with a temp of 78 with water that is 70, and the end result would be a difference of only 2°, a number not even noticable to the fish.

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