25% Water Change


New Member
Oct 17, 2007
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Hi i am doing a fishless cycle and got my water tested and it wasnt going as planned so we decided to do a 25% water change, when will it be ok to test water again

many thanks melz
firstly you can test the water as much as you like, although its not wise (rether stupid if u test it 3 times a day...)
secondly in a fish less cycle test the water about every 4-7 days

shang hi :good:
It really depends which stage of the cycle you are at.

In the early stages of the cycle you could test every few days, but towards the end you need to test about every 12 hours.

What do you mean by it wasn't going to plan? What were your last test results?
well its been 10 days in to the cycle and results were

Amm : 0.5
Nitrite : 0.5
Nitrate : 10.00
pH : 8.
Sounds ok to me.

You are starting to see nitrite so the ammonia is being processed. What level are you adding ammonia to? (eg. 5ppm etc)

How long is the ammonia taking to process back down to 0?

Has nitrite went off the scale yet and then came back down?
It really depends which stage of the cycle you are at.

In the early stages of the cycle you could test every few days, but towards the end you need to test about every 12 hours.

What do you mean by it wasn't going to plan? What were your last test results?

Sorry, just realised it looks like i was saying when you can test again depends on what stage your cycle is at. Thats not what i meant. I was replying to Shang Hi's post which i felt may have mislead you.

You can test again pretty much immediately after a water change. You may get a more accurate result if you wait say 30 mins for the fresh water to mix in properly but i dont think it makes much difference. :good:

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