Zak - I just got that tank in the 3 gal size. It looks really nice. It was very easy to set up and the filter is absolutely silent. Its got a tiny biowheel. It comes with the filter and a light, but no heater so you'll need to get one of those. I got a small one to fit in for $10. I'm in the process of doing a fishless cycle on the tank so I'm not sure how the filter is going to do with fish in it. I'm planning on using it as a fry tank.
It's pretty easy to breed snails. My daughter is raising ramshorn snails and selling them to LFS for extra cash. It was a get righ quick scheme but she ususlly just takes store credit and buys new fish.
I just looked at that link again and the 2 gal tank does not have a light and there is really no way to add one. I'd wait and save up the extra $$$ to get the eclipse 3g. I have a 2g hospital tank with no light and it is a real bummer. You can't really see the fish at all. Their colors look really drab.