235 Litres So Which Canister?


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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EX700 is 100-250 litres
EX1200 is 200-500 litres

I feel that if I go for the EX700 then I'm almost at the top end of it's capabilities
If I go for the EX1200 would it be over doing it?
no question i would go for the 1200, i haven't used them yet, but if your tank is 235, no way would i rely on a filter rated for 100-250

I am pretty sure you could turn the flow down on the 1200 if needed.
I thought this too mate thanks
the bigger the filter the better

i would put a pro3 on a 20g
Wahey won a brand new won on Ebay for £44 plus £10 delivery so £54 total for an EX1200 can't be bad eh!
Thats £5 less then the cheapest online so not bad :) hope it all goes well.
i know things are cheaper online but i always buy filter from my local fish shop just in case something goes wrong then you can take it back to the shop and get it sorted within a few hours
if the filter comes from a online shop it can take more than a week to sort it

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