23 Litre Tank


New Member
Jan 21, 2007
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hello .. i got my new tank for my gold fish but i got 2 adcf.s and a weater loach .. is that too much or will they be ok they seem happy and fine .. just give em some bloodworm they munched it all up to bits :fun:
Dont know what a adcf is but i think your loach will out grow your tank very soon! Also dont think you can keep it with gold fish! Also think it needs to be in a group!! My geuss is you havnt cycled your tank either?

You have been given lots of avice in your many postd but you dont seem to take it in.

You need to do lots more research before getting any more fish.
Sorry if thats blunt but there you go.
k no worries ill wait for a reply off someone who knows the head frome there a** :stupid:
If you ask for help/opinions dont get shirty cos it isint what you want to hear. You clearly have no idea what your doing and dont listen to any advice. To put it simple terms you are a prat!
I'd recommend a 30 gallon for the goldfish and a 40-55 gallon for the goldfish and everything else with it.
k no worries ill wait for a reply off someone who knows the head frome there a** :stupid:

You were getting some sound advice from newtotrpical there, nobody is going to help you out if you give responses like that . . .
newtotropical gave you good advice so being rude is uncalled for.

Your tank is roughly 5 uk gallons which is really too small for your goldies.
Are they commons or fancies *doubletails*?

Commons need around 20 gallons each when small and the doubletails can get away with 10 gallons when small. Commons get to a foot in length and are very messy fish so need lots of water volume and heavy filtration.

If you keep them in this tank then you will be heading for trouble so the choice is yours really.

Keep a close eye on your ammonia and nitrites and also, the weather loach requires a tank that is at least 3 foot long, and do indeed prefer to be in groups.

All your tank is capable of healthily holding is the frogs if they are the dwarf kind.
Well i guess 2 goldfish in a 20 gal tank ia abit overstocked. It will be fine with some water changes.
goldfish are coolwater fish and ADF and weather loaches are tropical fish that need warmer temps. 5 gallons isnt enough for any of those fish apart from pushing it with the frogs, as goldfish grow a lot bigger than people think, i know it isnt what you wanted to hear but its the truth from newtotrpical, im supprised anybody, including myself, even bothered to reply, i think its feeling sorry for the poor fish you have that made us type.learn some manners
goldfish are coolwater fish and ADF and weather loaches are tropical fish that need warmer temps. 5 gallons isnt enough for any of those fish apart from pushing it with the frogs, as goldfish grow a lot bigger than people think, i know it isnt what you wanted to hear but its the truth from newtotrpical, im supprised anybody, including myself, even bothered to reply, i think its feeling sorry for the poor fish you have that made us type.learn some manners

You hit the nail on the head fishboy619 those poor fish dont stand a chance. If you look at other posts from Andy you will see my point!
You can but try!!
FYI, all of the weather loaches are in fact "temperate water" fish, meaning that they prefer water temperatures between 65-72 deg F--just like most fancy goldfish. :)

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